Oh shove a sock in it!

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Gwen walked into her room to feel someone grab her shoulders "you really need to stop doing that" she turned to see Stefan laughing

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Gwen walked into her room to feel someone grab her shoulders "you really need to stop doing that" she turned to see Stefan laughing

Stefan nodded "sorry" he was about to kiss her but she shut the door. She leaned in and kissed him "you ready for today" he hugged her

"Fake fight. How fun"

"Just gotta make her think that she's winning" he rolled his eyes "it's all gonna be okay. But I say I can't do this anymore Gwen. What I really mean is that I love you"

"And when I say okay Stefan cool. It really means I love you too" she leaned in and kissed him again.

Elena and Gwen walked with Caroline "so I saw you two are going through rough patches with your couples"

"Me and Ronnie are fine" Elena stated Both Caroline and Gwen laughed at that statement "what ?"

"You're really not bothered that your ancestor that looks exactly like you has a thing for your girlfriend ? Be real!" Gwen painted the wood next to her

"But seriously what's going on ?" Caroline asked

"Well Stefan thinks that staying away from me will stop Katherine getting to me" Gwen shook her head "it's ridiculous!"

"Mhm" Elena played along "Ronnie has the same mind set. She thinks because of Katherine has taken interest in her that we can't talk"

Caroline leaned down "maybe Katherine's dangerous"

"But it feels like giving up. And I just thought" Gwen pushed

"Just what ?" Caroline snooped

"Just thought we were stronger. I know we're a new couple but we still have a relationship" Gwen frowned "guess I have to deal with it"

Gwen started painting when she looked at Stefan "I'm gonna go and talk to him"

Elena nodded "I'm gonna talk to Ronnie" Elena walked off

"No it's a bad idea" Caroline tried to stop them

"Have you still care about Katherine ?" Gwen walked up to Stefan "because it feels like you're pushing me away right now"

"Please don't do this Gwen. Don't turn this into something that it's not" he walked closer

"So you're saying this isn't because of her ?"

"No I'm saying this isn't up for discussion because we have ears on us" Stefan crossed his arms.

Gwen looked over at the two "I've seen her. How do you hate her and pretend nothings there"

"I can't do this anymore Gwen"

"Okay Stefan cool" she walked away.

Elena walked up to Ronnie "Ron why have you been ignoring me ?" Elena then said as Caroline and Damon listened

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