Prologue: Game Start!

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Jaune's Eyes stared at the bland roof of his single person room in Beacon, it has been a few weeks since his team kicked him out and replaced him with someone else. thinking about it make Jaune grit his teeth in anger.

this whole mess started after Cardin exposed his fake transcripts to the whole School, first his team gave him the cold shoulder, then Team RWBY, but it soon got worse, he was beaten down, tormented by his so called 'friends' The teachers did nothing, if anything they only made things worse, they gave him a failing grades, claiming he never gave in his assignments when he did, when it came to Combat class Miss Goodwitch would always make him face ether one of his old friends or have him face a whole team.

The timing couldn't have been worse as a student from Haven had come early at the Request of the headmaster of Heaven, his name was Alistair Kuroko, who managed to attract all his friends, and even got the affection of Pyrrha, but he even joined in on the beat down on him and he seemed to get a kick out of it more then the others.

Ozpin was strong armed into allowing Alistair to join Jaune's old team and be made their team leader.

But things only got worse when his parents caught wind of his transcripts they told him to meet them in a Café in Vale and to bring Crocea Mors with him, that moment will forever be scared into Jaune's Heart for the rest of his life.


Jaune walked down the streets of Vale with his hood up to cover his face, thanks to Cardin and Weiss the citizen of Vale even they know about his Transcripts and would harass him too, as Jaune looked forward his eye Caught the Café that his Parents told him to go to.

As he entered he noticed his parents in the corner of the Café, as he came close his father noticed him.

Nicolas: Sit down boy."

Jaune did as he was told Jaune sat down and looked at his Parents, as he looked at him they got a look at his eyes and were Shocked at what they Saw, Jaune's once Bright and full of life eye were replaced with Dull and lifeless.

Jaune did as he was told Jaune sat down and looked  at his Parents, as he looked at him they got a look at his eyes and were Shocked at what they Saw, Jaune's once Bright and full of life eye were replaced with Dull and lifeless

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Shaking of their Shock Nicolas soon spoke to Jaune.

Nicolas: what were you thinking, Faking your way into Beacon Jaune?"

Jaune: All... All I ever wanted to be is a hero, I wanted to follow the foot steps of are Ancestor's, that's all."

Juniper: Really!? because what you did was the Complete opposite of what you intensions were Jaune!!"

Jaune: What chose did I have, You never trained me in my life, hell you didn't even unlock my Aura until I got to Beacon, you all ways denied me my Dream, my chance to make are Ancestor's Proud! but no, You never believed in me, all my life you, him and my Sister kept on trying to turn me Into a damn House Husband!"

As Jaune tried to explain his reasons Nicolas interrupted him.

Nicolas: Enough! Since then you have tarnished the Arc Name, and Hence forth you are no longer a member of the Arc Clan!!"

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