Chapter 7: Flames of Friendship!

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Boom chapter 7! I am happy people are liking my story, and this chapter is a bit of 'Filler' basically when ever Jaune comes back from the Nexus he will have some R&R before he goes back. this chapter will be mostly about Jaune's budding friendship with the disembodied Maiden. 

so with that said here we go!

Jaune sat on his bed looking at Amber who was sitting across from him at his desk, well not sitting at it as she did not have a physical body.

Jaune: So, what is it you want to hear?"

Amber: What was that I just saw, you went through that portal and not a moment later you return with a larger build then when you left. So what I want is for you to tell me is, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!"

Jaune sighed he looked at Amber, wondering if he could trust her with his secret, while he learned to trust JoJo and others he didn't tell them about his Gamer ability since the time period they lived in was decades in the past and only technology they had was steam powered trains/boats and telephones. Biting the bullet Jaune looked at Amber with a serious look.

Jaune: Alright, I will tell you on one condition."

Amber: And what is that?"

Jaune: You MUST not tell a soul about what I am going to tell you, because if people found out about my abilities they would try and either control me or kill me. As the ability I possess makes me a very dangerous enemy or a very powerful ally."

Amber's eyebrows rose at this.

Jaune had a powerful ability, could it possibly help her get her back to hr body and heal her. Looking down at her ghostly hands Amber wanted to be back in her body more then anything so she looked at Jaune and nodded.

Jaune seeing her nod pulled out Gigobyte's card from his inventory and showed it to her.

Jaune: this is one of them, I have an inventory that allows me to carry an infinite amount of Items and gears, This is another power I have. I Summon Gigobyte!" 

Gigobyte appeared in front of the two, once the little Croc monster got stood up he looked around, seeing Jaune and gave a mock salute.

Gigobyte: Hiya, Oyabun!"

Amber looked at the little croc monster and could only think one thing.

Amber: Adorable...'

Gigobyte looked over at Amber and cocked his head.

Gigobyte: Oi, Oyabun? who is that?"

Jaune: That Gigobyte is Amber, A ghost I met before I went to train back in the nexus. Amber, this is Gigobyte a monster I summoned using my powers, and no he is not a Faunus."

Gigobyte: Hiya! I'm Gigobyte, nice to meet you Amber!"

Amber smiled and waved back.

Amber: Nice to meet you too Gigobyte, But... Jaune where is that large man you were with before, you know the one with the bowl like hair style?"

Jaune grabbed the Mortuary tablet from his inventory as he did Oden came out and stretched his arms out.

Oden: *Sigh* how long was I in their for?"

Jaune: ...a little of a month."


Jaune: When I went to the JoJo world I put the Tablet in my Inventory so I didn't lose it, Sorry about that Sensei."

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