Chapter 6: Wrath of a Gentleman!

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And here we go with Chapter 6! I am happy that so many people are commenting and liking my story and now it is time for the final battle! JoJo Vs Dio!  so with that said here we go!

The group soon found themselves at Poco's home as his father was giving him a right bolicking.

A/N: PF is going to be how I abbreviate 'Poco's father'rather then typing it

PF: Poco, where have you been? How dare you leave the house like this?"

A slap was heard, after Poco's father slapped him across his cheek.

Poco: But, please, Papa. Papa, I'm sorry Il eft the house but... Where's my sister?"

His father lowered his hand and looked at him.

PF: Well, where do you think? She's out looking for you."

Poco looked at him shocked before shaking his head"

Poco: What?! No, Papa, don't say that. Tell me she didn't go out."

His father got down on one knee and looked at Poco concerned for him.

  PF: Poco, what's ailing you? You're not behaving right."

Poco: My sister. MY SISTER!"

Poco cried out into the night as the Hamon users stood outside listening in on what was happened inside.

Jaune: I fear Poco's sister is in Dio's clutches, If we don't hurry another innocent life will be extinguished."

The other Hamon users nodded and they began to make the trek up to Dio's Lair. 

[Timeskip brought to you by Jaune Dancing with a girl with Pupilless purple eyes and a butterfly hair pin]

As the Group climbed up the side of the Castle with Poco clutching onto Johnathan's back they heard a scream of a young woman.

Johnathan: Did you all hear that?"

Jaune: It's sounded like a woman, let's hurry!"

As the Hamon users got to an opening in the ceiling they looked down to see a young woman in the clutches of a Zombie.

As the Hamon users got to an opening in the ceiling they looked down to see a young woman in the clutches of a Zombie

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Jaune: That must be Poco's sister, we got to help her!"

Jaune looked around quickly and spotted an Anvil, Picking it up he Dropped it on top of the Zombie's head. as the Anvil hit the horn pierced it's head and pass through to the forehead dislocating it's eye in the process.

Doobie: oi, Who hit me? Who's there?" 

The girl looked up to see Jaune standing over the skylight dusting off his hands after throwing down the Anvil. Johnathan looked down at the zombie as he cracked his knuckles. 

Johnathan: Doesn't matter, does it? You're a zombie. Your kind don't deserve any introductions."

Poco: Sister!"

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