Chapter 12: The 'Fun' Run!

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Welcome back! I love how many people are liking my story, If you want to know what Mangas/Animes are Shonen Jump Check out the video above this story to see, While Jaune will only be going to some of the worlds mostly the one's that came out in the last 30 years or so.

Now, this chapter is going to be a combonation of Episode 4 and Episode 5 as they both have to do with Following Satotz to the next Phase and we will only be following Jaune and the two other people he his running with.

So with all that said...

Here we go!

Two hours have passed since the start of the exam. The applicants have travelled over thirty kilometres from the start. None of them knows how far they must go. They are forced to run at the leader's pace, with no goal specified. It's a monotonous course with no end in sight. And many applicants have already dropped out.

While the group was running Jaune fell behind just for a moment to change his clothes, using his Inventory he swaps out his Hunter gear for his GYM Clothes, that being a sleeveless Gray hoodie with white drawstrings, as for shorts he wore Black ones with yellow strips that wrapped around his both legs.

While the group was running Jaune fell behind just for a moment to change his clothes, using his Inventory he swaps out his Hunter gear for his GYM Clothes, that being a sleeveless Gray hoodie with white drawstrings, as for shorts he wore Black on...

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Oden had returned to him Tablet to relax while Jaune ran.

Jaune quickly jogged towards a sweating Leorio but not before throwing him a bottle of water, seeing the bottle Leorio catches it and gives Jaune a quick nod of thanks as he passes him.

After a moment Both Leorio and Jaune hear the sound of wheels coming from behind them, Turning around Jaune sees the white haired kid from before rolling up on his Skateboard.

Leorio: Hey! wait up, Kid!"

White hair: Hmm?"

Leorio: You should show the Hunter Exam some respect!"

White hair: What do you mean?"

Leorio: Why are you using a skateboard? That's cheating!"

Jaune simply sighs and he turns around and continues to focus on whats Infront of him along with his breathing as he was using the techniques Zeppeli taught him to help him regulate his breathing. 

The kid looks down at him skateboard before looking back at Leorio.

White hair: Why?"

Leorio: Why... This is an endurance test!"

Gon: No, it isn't."

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