Chapter 2

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                                                     The Expectations 

After my confrontation with Ronda, I made my way to the back where Solo was standing in gorilla waiting for me. He came with me from the locker room intending to go to the ring with me but I made him wait for me back here and to only come out if I really needed him. But the moment wasn't a Bloodline moment but a moment for me, for Briar Wild. My heart was racing with adrenaline as we headed back to the locker room my mind wondered back again to that first day.

Three months ago

After talking with everyone from The Bloodline I went to catering for lunch. I grabbed a salad and found a table far from the others. I thought since the initial shock was wearing off, I was actually excited about the whole thing. Now that I'm thinking about it if everything was done right, which according to Roman it would be, then this could be one of the greatest storylines in the history of WWE. The only thing I worried about was acting like a family. I didn't have much reference to go off of. Listening and observing The Bloodline would be my best way of learning. I was just finishing my lunch when I saw Hunter heading out of catering. I stood up quickly and jogged toward him. He only made it a little down the hallway before I yelled for him. He stopped and turned around and I quickly got to him.

"I'm in, The Bloodline I'm in," I said catching my breath. He smiled.

"Great, stay for the show then go home, finish your rehab, watch the segment next week. Then you'll join the team, we are keeping this in dark, only those who need to know. Someone will be in touch throughout the week to go over the plans, your travel, and outfit," he said.

"Thanks Hunter, I won't let you down," I told him.

"I know you won't, hope you don't have a problem riding around the country with five other guys," he chuckled. I smiled back.

"I can handle anything."

"Good and that's the attitude you need to have going forward being a part of that group."

"You got it," I said. He patted me on the shoulder and continued down the hall. I went and found a quiet spot away from everyone. I pulled out my headphones and plugged it into my phone. I pulled up Youtube and went back to the beginning of Roman's return with Paul Heyman to his capture of the title to the formation of The Bloodline. I was determined to find every segment The Bloodline had and learn everything about the storyline till now. I'd been following somewhat but not everything. Several hours passed and I had gotten up to the point where just before Sami started to do segments with The Bloodline. When I saw Smackdown was going to start in the next thirty minutes I stopped what I was doing. I got up stretching my legs then went to find another quiet spot but somewhere with a monitor to watch the show from. I had no idea what The Bloodline story was tonight or when they'd appear but I couldn't wait to see how they start with pulling me in. While I watched I had several calls with creative and merchandising staff. Finally, halfway through the show was when The Bloodline came out. I knew Roman would be talking about SummerSlam and facing Brock Lesner in a last man standing match but I was curious how he'd make a notion toward me. After his acknowledgement Roman stood poised in the center of the ring flanked by his wiseman Paul Heyman, his cousin's the twins Jimmy and Jey and his cousin the enforcer Solo.

"In a few weeks at SummerSlam this story that's been told on and off for years will come to a close. Brock Lesner will no longer be on the radar of the Tribal Chief after I smash him once and for all. After that I will be focusing on the future of The Bloodline. Soon The Bloodline will have another missing puzzle piece. The family will grow and no one will stop us," Roman's demanding voice boomed. I got chills down my back. Soon I'd be standing there with them, soon I'd be in the spotlight. Could I handle it? How would the crowd react to it, to me? These thoughts floated around my head as Roman went on about other things then went to commercial. I went back to sitting and watched a few more Bloodline clips. I was now only a couple months behind on the storylines. I happened to be going by wardrobe and stopped in. Cindy the head of wardrobe for Smackdown was the only one in her room when I walked in.

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