Chapter 4

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                                        Haters/ Training Day 2

                                                 Present day

When news first spread through the locker room that'd I'd likely be winning the title against Ronda I had a few people think it was great but I got looks from the other superstars that said otherwise. However, no one said anything directly to my face and I knew that reason was because of The Bloodline. I'd been coming out of catering when I heard my name from around the upcoming corner. I stop and leaned against it. A group of women were standing there talking.

"I mean I don't really care for Ronda as champion but to give it to someone who's only been on the roaster here for three months is ridiculous," Lacy Evans said.

"She does have talent but we all know she's only winning and getting this opportunity because of The Bloodline, because she has Roman in her pocket." Shayna Blazer added.

"Even as a heel the crowd is still eating up all her crap that's why creative is giving her the chance," Sonya Deville chimed in.

"I know, we've all been here longer than her and she sucked so bad on Raw now she's getting all the glory just because of The Bloodline. How many of them you think she's sleeping with to get her way," Lacy blabbed on and on.

I leaned my head back against the wall. After everything I'd done in the past three months, they still think I've just been handed everything. I know they are just jealous they didn't get chosen but it still hurt. No matter how much work I put in, how much time I spent making sure my part of The Bloodline lived to the standards, I hadn't gotten the respect of my peers. I was glad I made the choice to go hard on this match with Ronda, I couldn't win easily. This had to be the match that showed everyone I earned the title, I earned the respect, that The Bloodline didn't hand me anything. I could of went around the corner and confronted them but I decided against it. I'd do my talking in the ring at Survivor Series.

"She thinks she's a badass because of who she stands with but Ronda will put her in her place," Shayna said as I walked back down the hallway to go a different way to the locker room. I always have to prove myself just like I did that first training session with The Bloodline.

Three months ago

I spent all of Sunday and Monday practicing powerbombs through tables and different moves in the ring I'd never done before. I wanted a wide variety of quick power moves that way no one knows what I'll do next. Springboard backflips off the second rope have become something I'd come to like doing. DDTs were also something I'd found I liked and was doing those multiple times in a row.

"I think I've got the finisher for you," Matt said as I stopped my training with assistant coach Sara, who'd been working me hard the last two hours. She'd been letting me work my return routine power bombing her over and over again.

"What is it?" I asked.

"A tornado DDT with a Briar Wild twist," he said and I thought about it, I liked it.

"What's the twist?" I asked.

"Why don't you two practiced a normal tornado DDT and then we'll figure it out," he said. I nodded my head.

"I used to use this move a lot in Mexico," Sara said. She went through the steps several times before I practiced each part of the move in sections.

"Ready to put it all together?" she asked. I nodded my head. We ran the move about a dozen times before taking a break.

"What are you thinking?" Matt asked sitting next to me handing over a bottle of water.

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