Chapter 50

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                                                   A trip to Montreal

I was meant with an approving grin from Paul Heyman when we got back into gorilla.

"You could almost give me a run for my money on those mic skills," Paul said. I smiled happy with the way things went out there.

"You good?" Solo asked.

"As long as no one jumps me from behind I'm good."

"As long as I'm standing here that won't happen," Solo assured.

"Let's get back to the bus, Roman was clear that as soon as your segment was over to return to the bus," Paul stated.

"Fine with me, my back is killing me," I said. We left gorilla for the locker room to get our belongs before returning to the bus. Jimmy and Jey were standing outside the bus when we arrived.

"There she is, badass Little Uce!" Jimmy said.

"Left both those men speechless in the ring, Yeet," Jey said. We did a complicated handshake thing they taught me just before Jey had left us.

"Thanks, you're not watching the rest of the show?" I asked.

"Nothing is going to top that the rest of the night," Jimmy said. It'd been a long time since nothing went wrong for a show but I had a feeling it was going to be a rare occasion. I led the group up the stairs back on the bus. The TV was on and Roman, Rick, and Nicole were watching RAW. They all looked to me at the same time. I nervously moved over to Roman for his reaction. I knew I shouldn't be nervous but it still meant everything to me to get his approval. For everything he's done for me the least I could do was try to make him proud of me. I didn't say anything as I stopped in front of him. He was leaning back and he had his arms crossed he looked like he was going to criticize me but a familiar smirk appeared on his face.

"Way to redeem yourself from Smackdown. You did good," he said and I smiled back.

"Look you, Cody, Sami are trending number one," Paul said showing me his phone.

"I never went out there to try to get views or rating or to be trending. I was asked to get into the conversation and said what I felt, what I needed to say, what had to be said," I explained.

"Good for you Little Uce," Jimmy said.

"I'm still uncertain about something though," Roman said and I turned to give him my full attention.

"What's that?" I questioned.

"This respect thing you've got going between you and Cody," he brought up again.

"We've talked about this, I've explained my side of that," I told him.

"I know but it seems like something more there, what's his side?" Roman asked.

"Chief there's nothing there. It's just mutual respect that's it," I assured him. He nodded his head but I don't think he was convinced. After that I went to get changed as Nicole had been cooking dinner and it was almost ready. I changed into black sweat pants and a few sizes bigger of The Usos we the ones shirt and came back out to join everyone. Roman eyed my shirt then kept his arm around me the whole time we ate and watched the rest of RAW. We were staying the night in the arena parking lot then tomorrow morning Rick would drive us to the airport for a private jet ride to Montreal. Not only did we have Elimination Chamber there but also Friday night Smackdown.

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