Chapter 44

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                                                  Smackdown 2/3/23

                                     Everyone's got questions....

"Brair.... Brair," my name was said to me off in the distance. "Briar," it came again getting closer. "Wildfire...Wildfire," Roman said. I mumbled something incoherent as I half opened my eyes to see Roman just inches from my face as his finger stroked my cheek.

"What.... what is it?" I yawned.

"I'm going with the others to the gym. I turned your alarm off. I'll wake up at 7am when I get back. I want to talk to you before you go to your meeting," he said. I opened my eyes some more to look into his. "I want to know what happened," he continued.

"Okay, I'll tell you what happened and what I'm going to do about it," I stated.

"Go back to sleep now," he said continuing to stroke my cheek, it didn't take long before I fell back asleep. When I woke again my eyes stared up at the ceiling of the bus, silence filled the room and from the sound of it the rest of the bus. I blinked a few times before rolling to my side it was 6:45am. Roman would be back in fifteen minutes. Since I didn't have to do my own hair and makeup today, I got ready quickly putting on black leggings and a cropped Briar Wild T-shirt. I finished up in the bathroom then pulled my hair up into a ponytail. I went back to the bed and sat with my back against the wall and my feet out in front of me. I pulled out my laptop and begin typing up my new promo so I could hand out copies at my meeting. I was halfway through typing when the door slid open. I glanced down at the time on my laptop, 7:01.

"Your one minute late," I told him. he looked up at me. His hair was down and wet, he must have taken a shower in the locker room. A towel was still in his hands. He had black shorts and his black head of the table shirt on.

"I was looking forward to waking you up," he said disappointment clear on his face.

"Sorry Chief, I woke up fifteen minutes ago. I'm sure there will be other mornings you can wake me up," I said. He sighed as he sat on the bed pulling his legs up and leaning back on the bed like I was.

"So, what's new?" he asked. I smirked at him. I closed my laptop and sat it aside. I sat up turning toward him crossing my legs so we could look at each other, my knee falling against his leg.

"You mean what happened?" I questioned.

"Yes, I was told you, Solo, and Jimmy went for a walk around the arena. You left to go to the bathroom and something happened between then and returning to the bus."

"You mean other then hiding in a bathroom stall listening to three of your co-works bashing you because no matter how many fights I have, no matter how much I destroy my body, no matter what I say it's still not good enough for me to have an ounce of respect from the women in the locker room. Apparently, I'm an attention seeking, spotlight steal, fake all my personalities still not good enough to stand on my own without The Bloodline person," I rambled and rambled getting angrier and more worked up by the second. Roman reached forward and placed his hand on my knee.

"Slow down Wildfire and start from the beginning," he said calmly but intensity ringing in the back of his throat just about the words I'd spoken so far. I took a deep breath and started from where I looked in threw the window of the gym, to every single word that was spoken in the bathroom, to my realization on what I need to do next. Once Roman got his anger out he leaned forward placing both his hands on my cheeks and tilted my head back so I could look up in his eyes.

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