Chapter 46

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                                                       Raw 2/6/23

                                                      Face to face

Other then the message from Linda the flight to Orlando was uneventful which is a rare thing for me these days. We were the first one's off and were led to a private entrance to the rental car place which Solo and I stood off to the side while Paul took care of it. Of course, our vehicle was a black SUV with tinted windows. Solo insisted he drive, which was fine by me. I jumped into the back and let Paul ride shotgun. It was a twenty-minute drive through rush hour Orlando traffic, but once we got to the hotel it would only be a five-minute drive to the arena. Paul again went ahead to get us checked in while Solo and I waited around in the lounge area trying to blend in but I've come to realize spending all this time with big tattooed Samoans it's kind of hard to blend in. Solo and I were looking at some of the paintings on the wall when I felt something tugging on my pant leg. I looked down to see a little girl about four or five with blonde pigtails and big blue eyes staring up at me.

"Hi, there," I said smiling and bending down to her level it was then I noticed she was wearing a Briar Wild shirt. I saw out of the corner of my eye Solo turning around at the sound of my voice.

" Brair?" she asked a little shy at first.

"The one and only," I said. "What's your name?" I asked.

"Amelia," she answered I looked up to see who I assumed was her mom watching on a few feet away.

"Amelia, I like that name, you wouldn't happen to be a fan of mine, would you?" I asked. She kind of got shy and looked away. Her mom chuckled.

"Don't be shy now, she's your biggest fan, your all she talks about," her mom said.

"Is that so?" I asked and Amelia shook her head.

"Are you here to see Rhea?" she asked.

"As a matter of fact, that's exactly why I'm here. Are you going to the show tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yes," she squealed all excited.

"Awesome, I see you have my shirt on would you like me to sign it for you?" I asked. her eyes got so big she couldn't even talk. "I'll take that as a yes," I said glancing up at her mom.

"She'd love that if you have the time," she said to me.

"Sure do, I don't have anywhere to be right now," I said taking my backpack off and opening the front pocket to pull out a silver sharpie since the shirt was black. I always like to carry sharpies with me for moments like this. At this point I was sitting cross legged on the lobby floor. She quickly turned around so I could sign the back.

"There you go," I said to her. She spun around grinning so big at me.

"Do you have the title?" she asked and I laughed.

"I sure do," I said returning the sharpie to my bag before opening the big zipper and pulling the title out. I held it out in front of her and she stared down at it with her mouth open. "You can touch it if you want," I told her which she did right away.

"It's pretty," she said.

"Yes, it is, would you like to take a picture with me and the title?" I questioned and she practically threw her arms around me. I stood back up with her in my arms and put the title over my shoulder. We faced her mom who I knew had been taking pics the whole time. She took a bunch of pics then Amelia leaned into me.

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