Chapter 3

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                                                      Training Day 1

                                                      Present day

                                     Creative meeting for Survivor Series

"You'll get the title, Ronda's taking some time away," Hunter said as he, Paul Heyman, Ronda, two other members of the creative team, and myself sat around at a table to discuss what was to happen at Survivor Series.

"It can't look easy. Beating Ronda can't look easy," Heyman said.

"I want her to give me all her moves. I want to take every hit. I want the arm bar locked in good even if my arm comes out of the socket, but then I'll make it to the ropes. I can't just do a simple finisher either, I feel like it'll have to be multiple ones," I said.

"Okay what are you thinking?"

"First an Uso's tribute. A superkick but she just staggers around so I do a second superkick, she goes down I go for the top rope hit a frog splash. At that point the crowd will think I go for the cover but I don't I hit with a springboard backflip off the ropes. The crowd will again think I go for a cover but once again I don't. I do a Roman's tribute and hit her with a spear then I go for the cover.

"Yes, that's not bad," he said writing notes down.

"The crowd won't know what to think, it's like is she going to go for the pin or not. What move will it take to make her go for the cover," Heyman said.

"Four finishers I like that it proves I don't go down easy and it shows you don't quit easily," Ronda said.

"It's got to be vicious; you don't get respect or recognition from the fans unless you give them a reason to. Never giving up when it's all against you that's when they'll start pulling for you. When they see you putting it all out there that's when they become invested, even if I am supposed to be a heel."

"Well said," Hunter responded. I left the meeting feeling pretty good about the match. I wasn't letting it sink in or even thinking about the fact that they were giving me the title. Sure, I'd been around for nearly three and a half years but I'd only been back for three months. However, I'd been working my ass off since the moment I agreed to join The Bloodline. I'd never put in so much time and effort between working on new moves or coming up with the best promos. When you find the right character the right gimmick that's when the real passion comes out and the best of you shines.

I thought back on the amount of training I did and all the planning leading up to the most nerve-wracking comeback. At that point the best most talked about moment of my career. And no one and I mean no one saw it coming.

                                                                  Three months ago

After I agreed to joining The Bloodline over the course of the next six days, I trained from morning to night. I did light workout on my injured hand but went all out on everything else. I'd go on two-to-three-mile runs. I worked out twice a day in the gym. In between training I was having meetings with WWE from creative to merchandising to wardrobe. I messaged with Roman at least once a day and usually with one other member of The Bloodline. I barely left my property. I was too busy getting ready for the biggest moment of my career. When Friday rolled around, I changed up my routine. I did an early evening workout, took a shower, packed everything for my trip to the performance center to finish my final week of training before my return. 

Once I was satisfied that I hadn't forgotten anything and had the house ready for my absence, I went down to the kitchen to prepare dinner to eat while watching Smackdown, which was starting in forty-five minutes. My kitchen was now bare except for what I was having tonight and what I needed for in the morning. I grabbed a big bowl and started preparing a chicken Caesar salad. I had on black joggers and an oversized Stone-Cold t-shirt and my hair wrapped up in a towel from my shower. I was just about done making my food and cleaning up when my phone went off. Picking it up I realized I was being facetimed and the name flashing at me both surprised me and made me nervous it was Roman. I quickly pulled the towel off my head dropping it on the floor. I already had my hair tie around my wrist so I ran my fingers through my hair and tied it up. I took a deep breath and answered the call. In seconds Roman appeared on my screen and I on his.

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