Chapter 6

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                                                                        The Return Part 2

                                                                        3 months ago

"Anything else I can do?" Sami asked.

"Not right now," A voice boomed from directly behind me and I turned coming face to face with Roman.

"I'll see you guys later then," Sami said as Roman and I stared at each other. I snapped out of it when the bus door shut. I smiled at Roman.

"I'm officially reporting for duty Chief," I said then bowed my head at him. The Usos started laughing, even Solo smirked. Roman was trying to not be amused but I could see he was.

"You're going to be worse than the twins, aren't you?" Roman asked crossing his arms.

"Only when I need to be Chief," I said and another fit of laughter came from the twins. Roman pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed but I could tell he wasn't really annoyed.

"You ate yet?" he asked.

"No, I've only had a coffee," I said.

"I'll get Rick, the driver to send for food," Jimmy said. Roman nodded as Jimmy went for the door.

"Jey while we wait for lunch why don't you give Briar a tour of the bus and show her where she'll be sleeping. Solo come talk to me in the other room," Roman said and turned to walk back to his room, Solo stood up and followed him. I turned and smiled at Jey.

"I'm so going to love having you with us. Not many can say things like that to Roman and still be standing. I can't believe you bowed to him," Jey said.

"I think I amuse him and the bow was a one-time thing, I made a joke about it the last time we talked. He probably thought I wouldn't do it," I laughed.

"Yee," Jey said and I followed him back to the front of the bus. "So, front obviously the driver seat and the steps out. Now the dinning room and lounge area is here. It's where we spend the majority of our time. The table folds down into a bed. When Paul is with us this is where he sleeps. Now if you look up to the front of the bus. Up there is a loft. This is your bed. It extends from the driver's side all the way over. The ladder is right here on the right just about the steps. There is a curtain that slides all the way across so you can close it whenever. Next to the ladder here is a four-drawer dresser. This is yours you can put all your stuff from your luggage in here and we can store your empty bags outside in the luggage compartment. The dresser next to yours is Paul's."

"Sweet, I wasn't expecting that big of a bed or a dresser," I told him.

"Well Roman always want's the best. So then obviously we have the couch and two chairs. Big screen TV across and it can be turned so if you are sitting at the table, you can see it from there. Next, we have the kitchen with a full-size fridge. Counter stove top, microwave. Cabinets above and below the sink. Then after that we got the bathroom," Jey said opening the door. It was actually bigger than it looked. It had a counter that ran from wall to wall with a sink. Toilet and a decent walk-in shower. I pulled my head out and Jey shut the door. We moved down the hall to four double stacked beds.

"This is where Jimmy, Solo, and I sleep. We have an extra bed for guest but that's rare sometimes Jimmy's wife Naomi travels with us and she sleeps here," he explained. Beyond the beds was a closed door that Solo and Roman disappeared behind. Jey noticed me looking at it.

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