Chapter 11

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                                     Survivor Series War Games part 3

"What's the damage Little Uce," Jimmy asked once Ronda had gone inside the trainer's room.

"Got my shoulder put back into place," I said.

"We know everyone heard, worst sound I'd ever heard. I don't want to hear that again Uce," Jey expressed. I blushed a little not that it mattered with the blood disguising my face.

"Right, going to have to wear a sling for a while. I need a bunch of stitches in my head and I have a mild concussion. Say I won't be cleared to compete for at least two weeks maybe longer. Going back to the locker room to shower and change then they are going to fix me up," I told them.

"Alright let's go uce," Sami said and we headed to The Bloodline locker room. Paul and Nicole lead the way. Roman and Solo stood on either side of me. My hand gripping Romans arm to keep me balance. Solo noticed this so he was right up to my other side but carefully not to bump my shoulder. He had my belt over his shoulder. Behind us was the twins and Sami. Everyone got out of our way, but also looked on in amazement. A got a few fist bumps from some people on the way to the locker room. Roman stood quietly beside me, but I could feel his intensity. Walking into the locker room the show was on and they were still showing highlights from my match, but I didn't look I didn't want to see it yet then they were moving on to the last match before the war games match.

"Nice superkick Uce, was that for us?" Jey asked. I chuckled heading for my bag.

"Why you think I hit it twice," I said. The Uso's grinned. Then high fived each other.

"Little Uce paying homage to us," Jimmy said. "Hey did you pay homage to someone else?" he asked. I stood up from my bag and turned to look at them. They smirked at me then turned to look at Roman who was standing there staring back at me. They all turned to me once again.

"Had to change two of my finishers mid match when my shoulder went out, should have changed the spear too but I just didn't have it in me. I had to do it," I explained. The room for once was quiet. No one moved or said anything. "Told you I'd be a hard act to follow," I remarked moving first. Picking my bag up.

"The Bloodline is the main event don't you all think you should be getting ready," I suggested. Nicole grabbed my bag and we walked into the bathroom. I walked over to the mirror embracing myself to take in my appearance.

"Will you find me a makeup wipe?" I asked Nicole as she opened my bag to pull stuff out.

Glancing up in the mirror I looked like a person who was stranded on an island for years and had become a wild animal. The gash on my forehead was clear and obvious. The cut ran above the middle of my left eyebrow across and to the bridge of my nose. I'd forever see a scar there once it healed. However, I didn't mind it, it would just serve as a remember of the sacrifices I had to make to achieve my dreams. Nicole handed me a makeup wipe and she began to undo my hair.

"You watch the match?" I asked.

"Heck yeah, we all watched here in the locker room. You were right when you said you'd make a statement, everyone was into the match. When you hit the turnbuckle Roman knew right away something wasn't right, he jumped up from his chair and stared at the screen. When you finally revealed your head and we saw the blood everyone froze but Roman was the first out the door then the rest of us followed. We watched the rest of the match from gorilla they had to stop Roman twice from going out there. Once the match was done, he sent The Bloodline out to you. I don't know if I ever seen that worked up," she told me. I heard her words but it was hard for me to focus on more then one thing. Right now, I wanted to make sure I got everything done I needed to so I could watch all of The Bloodline's war game match. Once my hair was down and face clean. Nicole helped me get my boots off thank God I wore the zip up boots and not the ones with laces. With my arm it was a struggle to get everything off but Nicole helped me and took out the clothes I'd be wearing once I got out of the shower. She started the shower and set out some towels.

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