Chapter 17

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                                               Monday Night RAW 

                                              December 5th 2022

Washington D.C. was pretty as the bus just started arriving through the city at 5am. We were heading for Capital One Arena for Monday Night Raw. I'd been to D.C. before for shows but never during the Christmas holidays. They'd gotten some snow a few nights ago and with all the Christmas lights it was postcard worthy. I looked in awe at it out the window from the couch in the lounge. I couldn't sleep so I came out to watch us arrive into the city. Roman left Saturday afternoon with Paul going around the country doing promotions for WWE and the next pay-per-view, The Royal Rumble. With me still healing from injuries I've been doing radio interviews over the phone. Since he left, I discovered it was hard to sleep in that big bed without him. The twins and Solo did a live show in New Jersey last night and now we are here in D.C. for Raw. The twins are defending the tag titles against Matt Riddle and Elias. I might be part of a backstage segment but not sure yet. I was a bit nervous; it's been a long time since I'd been on Raw, and my pervious run here hadn't left me with many good memories, just defeats and humiliations.

As the lights twinkled past me, I thought back on Friday night. Roman wasn't too happy about the announcement I'd plan to make the following Friday.

"So, what's this announcement you plan to make?" he asked.

"It's nothing I'm just going to announce who I plan on facing at Royal Rumble," I told him.

"Which is who?"

"You'll just have to wait till I announce it," I said.

"Why can't you just tell me?"

"Because a week is a long time to give you to try to talk me out of it," I explained. 

"Briar," Roman sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. "Don't we have an agreement to tell each other everything?" he said and he was right.

"If I tell you then you can't try to talk me out of it. The plan is already in motion and Hunter already tried to talk me out of it. He wanted to know if I really wanted to go from one extreme to the next," I said. Roman stared at me.

"Tell me?" he insisted, so I did. He didn't say much the rest of the evening. Later that night when we were back on the bus, I was sitting cross-legged on my side of the bed ready for sleep. Roman was still moving around getting changed. I reached over to my sketchbook and opened to the drawing of Roman, the one he wanted to use for merch. I slowly tore the page out as Roman came back from the bathroom and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Roman?" I whispered unsure if he was still irritated.

"Yeah Wildfire," he said turning in my direction pulling his legs up on the bed. I handed the sketch to him. He took it.

"I'm giving you the drawing, whatever you want to do with it is up to you. If you want to turn it into merch, I'm fine with that. To be that good, to be in G.O.D mode you've got to be beat the best, that's why I chose her as my next opponent. I just want to feel worthy enough to stand next to you," I said. He set the paper down and pulled me to him, wrapping me up in his arms.

"You already are worthy; you don't need to prove anything to me Wildfire. If this is what you want to do next, then fine by me. I might not like it but make your divine move," he said and I pulled back to see the smirk on his face.

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