Chapter 67

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Monday Night RAW 3/13/23

Naming the Last Enemy

When I came out of the bathroom inside the locker room everyone else was still there and waiting for me including Paul.

"I didn't mean how it sounded earlier, you know with my comments about being the GOAT," Paul came to my side to explain.

"Relax Paul I was just giving you a hard time about it. I know Solo and I are still new at this but eventually someday we will be in the GOAT category, right SOLO?" I asked. Everyone looked to him and he had the most serious look on his face, I was expecting a nod but he opened his mouth.

"Yeet," he said one hundred percent stone faced. We all stared at him in disbelief before the twins and I busted out laughing so hard. I couldn't believe he really said that.

"Oh my God, you have to find a segment somewhere and have him say that, that was too great," I said to Paul in-between laughs. Even Paul was smirking about it.

"Aright, alright, we've stuck around here long enough back to the bus," Paul ordered like he was trying to wrangle the kids who couldn't stop laughing out the room. Rick greeted us back at the bus doors. I was the first to climb up and the first thing I noticed was a missing Roman. Then I heard his voice coming down the hallway from our bedroom. I went to the door to listen.

"Thanks Linda, I really appreciate your help," I heard him say then retreated to the kitchen.

"He's on the phone," I told the others when they came up. He could have been talking to a different Linda not mine. I told myself so I didn't dwell on it. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge when Roman came out of the bedroom. He smiled at me, but didn't act out of the ordinary.

"You good?" he asked me but I know what he was really asking. He wanted to know if I'd got injured or anything.

"All good, no problems."

"You all did a great job tonight, I was really impressed with all of you," Roman told us.

"Except for that ending," Paul commented coming over to me and Roman. "That Cody getting involved again. What are we going to do?" he sneered in disgust about it.

"You know something you said earlier really stuck with me and I think....," I started saying before he interrupted me.

"I thought we talked about this I didn't mean...," Paul started explaining again then I returned the favor and interrupted him.

"I'm not talking about the GOAT thing," I informed him. He breathed a sigh of relief and Roman looked at us confused.

"I'll explain later. I was talking about how you were saying that the only way to defeat Cody was by hitting him with the truth. I think I got an idea for that," I explained.

"Oh boy I can't wait to hear this one," Paul said preparing himself for what I had to say.

"Hey are we getting something to eat?" Jimmy asked yelling at us. The three of us turned our heads in his direction.

"Yeah, we're hungry," Jey added next to him. Paul looked annoyed, Roman did what he always did and glared at his cousins, and I sighed about it.

"Why don't you go ask Rick, he's the driver, tell him where you want to go," I spoke up. Rick who'd just come up the stairs and was standing by the driver's seat gave me a thanks a lot look as the twins bombarded him with trying to decide where to go.

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