Chapter 53

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Elimination Chamber Part 1


We got halfway down the hallway before Solo opened his mouth, which was way longer than I thought he was going to wait.

"Brair, I think you...," he started to say before I cut him off.

"Wait until we get to the locker room because I know where this conversation is going and I don't want other people listening in on it," I said. He wasn't happy but he kept his mouth shut till we got to the locker room. I went in first, he followed, and the second the door closed behind him he started in.

"This is bad, Briar, you need to go to creative or Hunter and get this changed. You're not in any condition for this," he insisted. I sighed going over to the counter where the bar stools were and winced as I got up on one. "I mean look at you, you can't even sit down without being in pain," he added on.

"What's going on?" Roman asked. He came over to join the conversation and everyone else followed. Jimmy, Jey, and Paul stood there looking confused. Solo went to speak but I stopped him.

"I will explain," I said to him then I looked to Roman.

"I don't know what happened but my match tonight is now a No Disqualification match," I stated. Paul, Jimmy, and Jey's jaws about hit the floor. Roman crossed his arms.

"What do you mean a no DQ match, when this happen?"

"I don't know exactly I found out during my interview."

"No, absolutely not!" Roman said in a stern voice then looked at Paul for an explanation.

"I don't know Tribal Chief this is news to me," he said totally lost himself.

"It's too late now. I guess Shanya threw down the challenge. I got asked about it during my interview and I accepted the challenge."

"Why would you do that?" he asked.

"If I said no or change my mind now everything, I have built Briar up to be to this point will all be for nothing. Plus, I think it was my best backstage interview to date," I explained.

"I don't like this, I don't like this at all," Roman said.

"Yeah, this is insane, your already hurt, Little Uce," Jey added.

"To be honest I'm not sure about this myself but at this point there is no other option. I won't back down," I told them in my less than normal confidence. None of them liked this, I could see it clear as day on their faces. I didn't like it either, I wasn't prepared for it nor was I physically in good condition for it. Now for the first since I won the Smackdown Championship I didn't feel so confident going into a title match, for the first time I wondered if I could actually do this and win.

"We should go to plan B for the ending of the show tonight," Roman spoke his words pulling me back out of my thoughts and I cringed hard when I quickly got off the stool without thinking.

"No, unless I physically can't walk down to the ring, Chief I want to end the show with plan A," I said moving toward him. I put my hand on his arm and stared up at him. He looked over to Paul.

"Go see what's going on, find out what's happening," he told him.

"Yes, my Tribal Chief," he said then quickly exited the room. The three brothers gravitated toward Roman and I. It was like we were all feeling the same thing and from past experiences it was obvious that when one of us felt pain, we all felt pain. Before Paul even came back Solo and I had to leave again because I was due in hair and makeup. Thank God for Julia and Deb, they knew when to talk and when I needed quiet time, today was quiet time. I could just sit there and let them do what they needed to do. They were familiar people and I felt comfortable around them. Julia finally spoke after about twenty minutes.

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