Chapter 47

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                                                              Home Again

"Thinking back on certain things he's said and what you've told me he's said, I think the answer was right there but none of us seemed to notice it," Roman explained. "He wasn't trying to get in good with The Bloodline he was trying to get in good with you."

I spent the rest of the day thinking about Roman's words and replaying every conversation I had with Sami, till I finally acknowledged he was right. I then spent most of the evening locked away in my art room drawing everything my mind needed to see on paper. It was getting close to midnight when Roman came and had to drag me off to bed. It was probably a good thing he knew the code to get into the room because I would have spent the whole night in there engrossed in the darkness of my thoughts totally lost on time.


By 7am the next morning Solo, Roman, and I were all in my basement working out. My back felt much better and all the bruising was completely gone. I wanted to work on my flexibility since my back had been hurt to see if there was something I couldn't do so I got in the ring. I ran some basic drills before I started jumping off the top rope. Doing flips here and there everything I did seemed fine for my back. I finally stopped to take a breather and to see where Solo was.

"Hey big guy," I said in his direction finally spotting him by the punching bag, where I should have guessed he'd be. He stopped hitting and turned to look up at me. "You gonna get in this ring and show me what you got?" I asked. He smirked as he approached the ring.

"This is my payback for you calling me a teddy bear," he responded making his way to the ring. I could see out the corner of my eye Roman had stopped his weight lifting to watch. Solo and I walked around the ring staring each other down.

"Solo take it easy!" Roman shouted over.

"Why I'm not gonna take it easy on him," I answered back.

"Brair!" Roman warned. Solo came toward me and went for a swing, I ducked down and got behind him pushing him using his momentum from coming at me to send him into the ropes. He bounced back toward my direction swinging at me, again I ducked and dropped kicked him from the back and he staggered but still didn't go down. He turned back and we danced around the ring again. Solo stomped toward me but this time I kicked at his leg and as he hopped around on one foot I jumped onto the middle rope and did a backflip. I knew if he caught me, it'd be over, but I got lucky this time landing on him and down we went. A giant smile came to my face when I saw him flat on his back.

"See a big teddy bear," I said back on my feet as I extended my hand out to help him up. He wrapped his big hand around mine and I saw the look in his eyes, his grip on me tightened so I wasn't going anywhere as he got to his feet. He quickly swung me around and onto his shoulders. I tried to wiggle out but he had me securely snug but because of how hard I was trying to get out when he landed the Samoan drop the air was completely knocked out of me.

"Oh shit!" Solo said as he knew right away with my sharp gasp for breath that he knocked the air right out of me. I clutched my stomach trying to breath. "I'm so sorry, Briar are you okay?" he asked but I couldn't answer. A shadow loomed over me grabbing my arm and I looked up into the eyes of a very concerned Tribal Chief. They both knew I wasn't joking around this time.

"I'm...okay," I breathed in a whisper trying to get some air back into my lungs. I was on my knees bent over trying to take slow deep breaths as Roman rubbed my back.

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