Chapter 72

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Monday Night RAW 3/27/23

Go home Show

We stayed in the locker room to watch the rest of Smackdown even though we weren't in anymore segments. Once the show ended, we headed back to the bus where Jey and I were begging Roman to let us stay another night in Vegas to go out on the town. But we were both disappointed when he denied our request.

"There's too much going on right now, I can't risk you two running around Las Vegas getting into any more trouble," Roman said as he told Rick to head for our next destination. Jey and I went to the couch and watched through the window of Las Vegas disappearing behind us and nothing but dessert laid before us as we were heading for Phoenix, Arizona for the go home show of RAW. We were going to take it easy there for the next few days because once RAW comes to an end it was off to LA and everyday was going to be hectic leading up to WrestleMania at the end of the week. Jey and I made a promise we'd come back to Vegas and do Vegas right.

"Briar," Roman said my name and I turned from Jey to look at him. He motioned with his finger for me to come join him in the kitchen.

"Yeah Chief?" I asked stepping up to him.

"Just seeing if you're okay, some intense moments tonight," he said both his arms wrapped around my waist his fingers laced together against my side. My other side leaned against his chest.

"I'm fine, it's a good thing I'm not too bad with coming up with things to say at the random. I kicked Sami and got a few hits up on him so that kind of eased some of the rage I was having," I said. Roman kissed the top of my head.

"To be honest once KO came out, I almost came out there, but I knew the brothers were close by but I was very anxious the whole time," he explained then I smiled at him.

"Guess the night could have been worse, we may not have got the upper hand on anything tonight, but we got some points across. This war isn't over with yet," I said to him then turned to look to the commotion over by the table.

"Hey Little Uce we're going to play a board game," Jimmy said.

"Really?" I questioned him my eyes getting wide.

"A board game sounds like a good calming way to end the night and to take our minds off of other things," Roman said. "And a good way to for the family to bond together," he commented. I stepped from Roman and looked at him.

"Have you played a board game with your family before?" I questioned.

"It's been a while, why?"

"Hell, it would have been safer for me and Jey to walk the Vegas strip. The last time we played a board game you were gone doing promotional stuff in New York. Rick only lasted playing less then twenty minutes with us. Jey had Solo in a head lock halfway through it and Jimmy spent the next two days bitching if everyone hadn't cheated, he'd had won the whole thing. I said I wouldn't PLAY ANOTHER GAME WITH YOU GUYS," I told him then turned to yell the last part at the brothers.

"Hey, last time wasn't my fault," Jimmy said eyeing Jey.

"Well, it wasn't mine either, you all take it way to serious, Uce," Jey informed us.

"I'm sorry who had Solo in a head lock because you landed on his property and had to pay the fees?" I questioned.

"It was rigged!" Jey defended himself.

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