Chapter 42

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 As the wrestling world mourns here's a longer chapter in case you need to take your mind off things for a while.

RIP Terry Funk

RIP Windham Rotunda (Bray Wyatt) We'll never see all of what your creative mind had to offer but we are grateful for what we did get to witness.                                            

                                                               Hearts to Hearts

Roman moved us through the lounge that was now empty. He showed no hesitation when he carried me down the bus steps. I had to shield my eyes from the sun for a minute but the warm Florida sun felt good on my skin, I'd missed it especially after being in the northern states. When my eyes adjusted, I saw we were standing in the driveway but it was twice the size as mine. Several cars including a black SUV and a hummer sat in the opposite corner of the driveway from the bus. Roman moved around the bus to the front of the house. My jaw instantly dropped. The house was massive, two levels but tall and long it kind of looked like it wrapped around to the backside in a half-moon shape. It was white, modern, and sleek. Tall windows showed the openness of it. Not many trees just a line of palm trees down the front side. A sidewalk wrapped around the house on both sides.

"Wow," I said the only word I could get out. Roman didn't stare at the house but at me. I felt his chest rumble and I looked back at him, a smirk on his face.

"What you think so far?" he asked.

"It's nice, it's big, can we go inside?" I asked wanting to see more.

"Sure thing," he said and he still didn't seem to want to put me down. The front door was huge and all glass, we walked in and you could see everything. It was a wide-open floor plan from the living room to the kitchen. The back wall was floor to ceiling windows overlooking the backyard that had a really big pool. The place was so massive with tall ceilings I bet if I yelled my voice would echo off the walls several times over.

"I like the big windows and tall ceilings," I said to Roman. Bloodline members were roaming around the place. I could see Nicole in the kitchen at the biggest island I'd ever seen. It was white marble with bits of grey swirled around in it.

"A few of the reasons why I bought this place, big Samoan family helps to have a lot of room," he said. I craned my neck around as I did a double take.

"Two fridges?" I questioned.

"Like I said big Samoan family when we all get together two fridges is barely enough," he said.

"Right," I chuckled. We walked over to the back and Roman slide the sliding glass door opened and we stepped out into the backyard. Half of it was concrete and the other half lush green grass. The yard was fenced in and only two palm trees were in the back. One side had the pool and hot tub and the other side was a covered bar-b-q lounge area. Also, I was right the house did wrap around in a half-moon shape.

"How many rooms is this place?" I asked.

"I think it's about fifteen," he answered. 'Holy cow,' I said in my head.

"I just wanted to make sure I had enough rooms for the whole family," he said. A thought ran through my mind. "What's that look for?" he asked. I looked back up at him.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about something," I said.

"Care to share?"

"Well, you said you wanted to move in with me, but obviously my house is nowhere as big as yours. Where is everyone going to stay?" I asked.

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