Chapter 20

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                                             Taming The Wild One

Roman stood in the lounge glaring at me. Paul was sitting at his usual spot at the table watching on like a scared child. The three brothers had finally made it up the stairs and had stop right behind me, also surprised.

"I thought you weren't coming back till tomorrow," I breathed out in what felt like a whisper.

"Last interview was cancelled so I flew right back just in time to watch my Bloodline lose control."

"Everything's under control," I said back.

"Oh, really so I just imagined watching you get into a fight when you aren't cleared to be and I just imagined watching Solo throw you over his shoulder while you had a hissy fit," he retorted. I didn't respond because saying no that wasn't true was a lie, I didn't want to agree because it was more complicated than that.

"That's what I thought, Bloodline take a seat," Roman demanded. I kept my cool for the moment and we moved into the lounge, the four of us took a seat on the couch. Solo and I sat in the middle while the twins sat at either ends.

"Why am I the Tribal Chief, the head of the table?" he asked. I couldn't help but noticed he was looking at me with this question.

"Because you know what's best for the family," I responded.

"That's right, I know what's best for the family."

"Hey Uce, it's all good. Nothing happened and we put Owens down and Legado Del Fantasma," Jey said trying to put Roman at peace.

"Yeah Uce, she didn't get hurt, I think she did most of the hurting," Jimmy said trying to lighten the mood but didn't.

"That isn't the point, I left you guys in charge to make sure shit like this doesn't happen. Where were you when she went back out there?" he yelled at them which sent my wild side into turbo drive and before I knew it, I was on my feet.

"Don't yell at them, they didn't do anything wrong. It was all me, I didn't give them a choice, by the time they knew what I was doing it was too late to stop me. So, if you want to be pissed at someone be pissed at me," I snapped and by this point I couldn't control what I was saying

The wild side was so strong and I couldn't stop the next words from coming out of my mouth.

"If you don't like what's happening then maybe you should be around here to actually see what's best for the family and keep everything under control and I.... I," I started trailing off as a hand placed on my shoulder jolted me, I glanced up to Solo.

"Take a seat, before you make it worse," he insisted. I swallowed the lump in my throat and saw the death glare from Roman, I didn't think I ever would see it in my direction. With a push down on my shoulder from Solo I sat.

"Briar, what the hell as gotten into you and what's with these clothes they aren't Briar Wild's style nor was it approved by me...," Roman started but Solo interrupted.

"Tell him, say it right now," Solo urged to me. Again, I looked up at Solo and he gave me a firm nod. I pulled The Wild One back out and stared right at Roman. I felt the fire dancing behind my eyes.

"No this isn't Briar Wild's look because you aren't dealing with Briar Wild right now, you're dealing with the other side, The Wild One. The Wild One isn't contained, filtered, or peaceful. The Wild One is destructive, pissed off, and has her own agenda without a care for anyone else's," I explained.

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