Chapter 65

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We are in this together

Ever since the Royal Rumble the entire family has been in a funk. The betrayal of Sami Zayn did something to all of us. I don't think it was Sami himself that bugged us but the betrayal itself. The person didn't matter it could have been anyone but letting someone in thinking you can trust them only for them to turn on you, it does something to one's psyche. At long last, though on and off screen we were a family again and all I wanted to do was hug them. I made one more turn and saw gorilla up ahead. The three brothers were just coming through the curtain when I got there. They stopped when they saw me but I didn't slow down and I threw my arms around both Jimmy and Jey. They laughed and pulled me in for a better hug.

"Come on Solo," Jimmy said to his younger brother. He hesitated till I reached my hand out to him. He didn't change his expression but he took my hand stepping up as we had a group hug, a family hug.

"That was great, you guys were awesome. You all should get Oscars for that performance you had the audience feeling every emotion. Hell, I knew what was going to happen and I still was feeling all of it right there with you," I gushed letting every emotion pass through me again.

"She ain't lying," Paul said from behind us breathing hard. "I'd never seen someone be so bipolar with their emotions," he said.

"Hey you were also sitting on the edge of your seat too," I retorted back. The guys laughed.

"Now that The Bloodline is whole again nothing is going to stop us, Uce!" Jimmy shouted.

"YEET!" Jey and I said in unison. Jey and I looked at each other then laughed as he threw his arm around my shoulders.

"I spoke with The Tribal Chief a few minutes ago, he wants us back to the bus as soon as possible," Paul informed us. I smirked.

"Awwww, you hear that the Chief misses us, he's used to the chaos and doesn't want to be alone on the bus anymore," I stated and the twins snickered. Solo was trying to hide the grin on his face. Paul cleared his throat and I turned to look at him as he stood at attention.

"Alright, alright, let's go home," I said so casually like I said that to family a million times before it felt so natural now a days to say something like that. The twins stood on each side of me with their arms around me and mine around them as we marched down the hallway, laughing. Solo and Paul followed behind us. It was so nice we could all act like a family again because in the end we were all in this together.

Fifteen minutes later I was climbing the steps of the bus. Roman who'd been sitting in the lounge got up as I headed for him. I didn't stop till my arms were wrapped around him and my cheek was resting against his chest.

"I know it has only been like six hours but that was a very long chaotic six hours," I told him.

By the time we walked into the hotel room the dinning room was set for dinner. Everyone dropped their stuff and headed for the table. I really wanted to know what social media was saying about the show, about my promo, and the conclusion of RAW. So, once I sat down at the table, I pulled my phone out to look.

"No phones at the table Briar, you know the rules," Roman said next to me. I smiled at him and then put my phone in my pocket as food got passed around.

"I never got to ask how your trip through the crowd was?" I asked turning to Jey. He finished swallowing his food before answering.

"Not bad, nothing crazy happened, but they were pretty intense screaming and yelling and wanting to touch me," he said.

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