Chapter 15

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                   Smackdown after Survivor Series

                               December 2nd  2022

It was finally the morning of Smackdown we had made our way to Buffalo, New York last night. I think I was most looking forward to getting off the bus, I've basically been couped up in here since Survivor Series last Saturday. My first thing to do this morning was going to the trainer's room and have them hopefully remove the stitches in my head. After what happened with the trainer at Survivor Series Roman has spoken to Hunter several times about making sure whatever trainer was there for any Bloodline member, they were professional and weren't going to cause any problems for us.

"Are you ready let's go," I said practically pacing by the bus door waiting for Jimmy and Jey. They were coming with me to the trainer's room because Roman, Solo, and Paul were meeting with creative and Nicole was on a business call. It was going on ten in the morning, a long time till Smackdown but I wanted to be ready since I'd been laying around the bus for going on six days. Half that reasoning was because of Roman and now that things have been developing between us his protectiveness is even worse. Anywhere I go I have to have someone there, the three brothers though don't seem to mind, in fact I think they find it amusing.

"Alright Little Uce we coming," Jimmy said.

"Yeah, I've never seen someone so eager to get stitches removed," Jey added as they reached me at the bus door.

"I'm not eager about that, I'm just excited to get off the bus and move around," I told them. They both laughed as Jimmy went ahead opening the door. I followed behind him and Jey behind me. The excitement coursed through me as we walked the halls of the arena. I kept my face unhidden, I decided to wear my injuries as battle souvenirs. The stitches were on full display, my arm in a sling, and my eye just slightly swollen. The bruises were now fading into a greenish yellow color. We were stopped a few times from crew members and fellow superstars asking how I was and congratulating me on a great match and the win. We finally made it into the trainer's room. Two trainers, a man and women were inside, they smiled at us when we entered.

"We've been waiting for you Briar," the women said approaching.

"I'm Kim this is Tanner, have a seat on the trainer's bed please," she gestured. I hopped up and Jimmy and Jey stood right next to me on my left and the other Trainer Tanner stood on the right to assist Kim.

"I'm just going to do a quick examine to see if you still have any signs of a concussion," she said and I nodded. After shinning a light in my eye and asking me to follow her finger I was given the all clear on the concussion side of things.

"Let's check your shoulder out next," she said. Tanner helped me slide my arm out of the sling and I gave it to Jimmy to hold on to. I was asked to extend my arm out into different directions. It felt tight but wasn't too painful.

"Alright put your arm straight out on your side shoulder level and hold it there for as long as you can," she said. I did okay for the first minute but then not so much. "Good job now go ahead and do that again, Tanner is going to hold your arm up," she said. I put my arm back in the same position and Tanner grabbed the underneath of my arm. He then slowly started to pull it. Which only minimally pinched but then he gave my arm an unexpected tug.

"Ahhh," I said pulling my arm back and grabbing my shoulder.

"Hey man careful!" Jimmy barked glaring at the guy.

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