Chapter 51

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Smackdown 2/17/23

We are all fireflies

I still can't get over Bray Wyatt's death. So, I wanted to include him in this book, luckily enough I'm still writing from the time he was on Smackdown before he got sick. With Briar's current situation who better to help her deal with her darkness, her wild side then Bray Wyatt. This one's for you Bray and thank you for letting us in.

"Chief," I said opening the door to the bedroom. I cautiously walked in to find Roman on the bed. His back leaning against the wall his legs out in front of him, crossed at his ankles and he'd been looking down at his I-pad. His gaze slowly lifted up to me and I ventured into the room till I had the courage to sit down on the edge of the bed next to him. I didn't speak at first, I just let him examine my new appearance.

"It's a good thing this is a good change, otherwise, we'd have a problem. Why didn't you talk to me first, before you did this?" he asked.

"That's just it, I feel like I can't make a single decision about anything without needing someone's approval. I knew Brair needed an updated look and I wasn't going to let my hair also become something I needed five different people's approval on. I just needed to do something a hundred precent all on me. For the sake of myself and The Wild One I needed to make a decision for me and me alone," I explained. Roman sat up and reached forward to run his hand through my hair. He held it in his hand to look at it, I kept my cool as it reminded me of what happened in the hallway not ten minutes ago.

"I hear you, Briar. I think you look absolutely beautiful. But I just want you to know you can talk to me, get my opinion. Every time you do something without talking to me first, it makes me wonder what I'm doing for you to feel like you can't talk to me about it."

"I'm sorry Chief, I don't ever mean to make you feel that way. I promise to get your advice more often on things then just making you stress out more."

"Good, I like the sound of that," he said and leaned in to kiss my lips. "I'm guessing foods about here should we head out," he said when he pulled back.

"Sure, but before we do, I should probably tell you something that happened after Solo and I got back to the hotel," I said and his loving smile faded and I saw the Tribal Chief re-emerge in his eyes. Roman stormed out of the bedroom after I told him what happened with the security guard. He was yelling until Paul arrived and after trying to calm Roman down enough, he explained he already handled the situation. A knock came at the door and Roman turned to it in a haste. I grabbed his arm.

"Chief, calm down it's probably the food," I said looking to Paul, who quickly moved.

"Right, it is, I'll get it," he said shuffling to the door. Solo still looked mad, and the twins stared in confusion.

"Let's all go sit at the table, shall we," I said tugging on Roman's arm till he moved. Once we got settled and started eating Roman had gotten to a manageable level of calm. All I could think about the rest of the evening was how drama seemed to follow me from one day to the next. Was I the drama or did I just attract it? I really wasn't sure at this point.

By ten am the next morning we were all back in the two SUV's making our way to the arena for a bunch of different meetings. We all had different places to be at different times so It'd be a full day at the arena. For a rare chance Roman and I had a meeting together with creative which was where we headed first. Solo of course followed and Jimmy and Jey had a wardrobe meeting. I wore my hair back and my hoodie up, I was trying to keep my hair a secret at least until Smackdown started tomorrow night. Solo as usual waited in the hallway as Roman, Paul, and I went into room. We went over Smackdown as The Bloodline would start the show and Shayna would get involved then. We discussed more in detail about what was going to go down then before the meeting ended Mark one of the creative guys who'd been staring at me the whole time finally spoke up.

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