Chapter 16

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                                                  Smackdown after Survivor Series Part 2

                                                                December 2nd 2022

The Uso's moved around us to greet him. Seeing Jey happy to see Sami for the first time then giving him a hug was odd to me. Solo and Roman also stepped forward to welcome him, I stayed back. It was a shift after Survivor Series as Sami helped get the win by destroying his best friend making everyone feel like they were on the same page. Everyone but me, something about it didn't sit right for me. I still had a lot of doubt about Sami and him trying to be a part of The Bloodline. It made me feel that much more uneasy about it now that Jey wasn't fighting against him. Jey was a very emotional tense person he didn't let anyone in. I was just hoping it wouldn't blow up in our faces because it would probably destroy Jey the most. I saw Sami had a bag in his hand and had a feeling he was joining us in the locker room. At this point I just wanted to get inside. I finally stepped up, moving over to Roman who was the closest to the door. I nudged up against him and he reached over my shoulders and pushed the door open.

"Hey Briar how's it going?" Sami smiled at me. I locked eyes with him and gave an indifference expression.

"Sami," I said nonchalant and walked into the locker room without another word, but I felt the stares on my back. I went over to the bar area and sat my bag down on the floor, my title on the counter, and pulled out a stool to sit down. Unlocking my phone, I pulled up my note's app to my promo for tonight. I was reading it again to find the right spot to put in the announcement in case I got the go ahead. The others finally started making their way into the room. They all took seats in the lounge area behind me, all but one, who's shadow towered over me from behind. He leaned over placing both hands on either side of me and resting them on the counter. He placed his chin on my good shoulder and whispered in my ear.

"You okay, Wildfire?" he asked.

"Yeah, just a lot on my mind," I casually answered.

"Are you okay with Sami in the locker room?" I hesitated because saying yes didn't seem right but saying no also didn't seemed right either.

"I honestly don't know but whatever you think is best for the family, then I'll go with it Chief," I spoke truthfully.

"But you have reservations about him?" he questioned.

"I do, but I don't want to get into this topic right now, I want to focus on what we have to do tonight."

"Alright Wildfire, I'll leave you to your thoughts but I like your thoughts out in the open, so I can understand them," he explained.

"I hear you Chief." He didn't say anymore just kissed the side of my head and went to join the others. I went back to my promo and added in my announcement before saying the whole thing over in my head several times. By the time I finished I had less then fifteen minutes before I had to be at hair and makeup. Leaving my stuff where it was, I grabbed my phone and stood up. Paul had left the room with Solo. Nicole was nowhere to be seen. Jimmy and Roman were talking to each other while Jey and Sami were talking separately. I don't know why but seeing those two talking like old friends just turned something inside my gut.

"Roman it's almost three, I'm going to hair and makeup," I told him.

"Take someone with you," he insisted. I paused and before I could say anything, Sami quickly stood up.

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