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I was walking home after school, my bag had so many books in it and I could barely carry it so I sat down for a second to give my poor back a break.
As I sat on a rock surrounded by trees I saw someone in the distance walking toward me. I looked away to watch a line of ants march. After a few minutes of watching ants I heard a "h-hey." After jumping from the realisation of  'oh shit there's a person right there.' I gave him a small smile and said "hi." He had dark styled hair a lip piercing, a black button up shirt with a red and black striped scarf, baggy pants with chains and some rosary beads wrapped around his hand. "Why are you seated on this pillar of strength?" He asked as he fiddled with his rosary's. "Um... I was just taking a break. My bag is filled to the brim with books." I replied. "Oh... which direction where you headed in this hellish town?" He started playing with his backpack straps. "I was going to serpent street, why?" "I could carry you're astronomically heavy luggage." He said. "I don't even know you're name." I said with a sudden wave of confidence. "C-Colin.... Gray. Colin Gray." He avoided eye contact. "Alright then you can carry my 'astronomically heavy luggage.'" I said. He smiled as he picked up my bag.

After 15 minutes of Colin carrying my bag he slumped his shoulder. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah just, it's very heavy." He said catching his breath. "You know you don't have to carry it right? I can take it from here." "No no.. I'm vigorous enough to escort you and carry you're luggage." He jolted the bag back over his shoulder and gestures for me to continue walking. "Now that I've disclosed my name, what is yours?" He asked. "I'm y/n Addams." He smiled as he looked at the concrete. "So Colin, why are you so determined to carry my bag for me?" I asked. "Uh... I.." his demeanour changed from calm and chivalrous to awkward and unsure. "I like you're tenebrous outfit... and you seem interesting." He said. "I like you're fit too." He looked back at me and smiled.

"Well this is my house." I said. "Oh, I suppose this is where I disappear." He said with a small frown. "Do you wanna meet up in school tomorrow?" I asked. "Yes" he said immediately. I smiled and he chuckled. "Meet me outside the science room at lunch." He nodded and waved goodbye.

Gone are the dark clouds the had me blind (Colin gray fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now