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(Update I want him)

Recently I keep having dreams of Colin Gray, dreams of him kissing me. I want to tell him I like him but every time I get close I fall into little pieces.

I walked down the stairs expecting to see my mOm sitting in the lounge or the kitchen but I found a note instead
Hey sweetie I left for work a little early and won't be back until tomorrow nite. I left $30 in the fridge for food. Don't make a mess of the house love ya xx
"Fucks sake." I said as I scrunched up the note.
My dad left to work in New York 2 weeks ago and my mOms been working and staying with my aunt most of the time. I'll be lucky if I see her twice a week. I looked at the clock 7:28 am.
'I better head to school now.' I thought.

While I walked to school I thought of the same thing I always think of on my way to school, Colin. I felt like he had taken over my brain. I dreamt about his lips almost every night, I thought about him holding me, I thought about the way his looked they way he acted around me.
"I need to take it down a notch." I said to myself as I entered the doors of the school.
"What do you mean by that?"
I turned around to see Colin smiling at me.
"Oh, nothing just feeling bleh." I said.
"I um..." he looked at my feet as he played with his rosaries. "I was thinking if-uh, would you like to watch a movie or?" He asked.
"My place 6 pm?" I replied.
"Yeah that's perfect." He smiled.
We only have history class together so the only time I got to see Colin was lunchtime and the walk home. Ever since we met Colin has insisted that he carry my bags home for me everyday.

Later that day I sat with Colin in the library. He read the black cat by Edgar Allan Poe, while I sat at the computer. Though it felt more like watching Colin read than researching for my history assignment. After 40 minutes, Colin sniffled as he gently shoved a bookmark that was shaped like a top hat, in his book. He then turned to look at me. His eyes looked tired and watery.
"You finished reading?" I asked.
"Yeah-" he said as he leaned back on his chair and stretched.
"Shall we head over to mine now?" I asked.
"What about you're assignment?"
"I'm not really finding anything I need on this computer I'll come back tomorrow and find some books." I said as I started packing my things.
"What movie shall we watch?" Colin asked.
"How about underworld?" I replied has I held the library doors open.
"I have not heard of that one."
I looked at him and smiled.
"You're gonna love it."

The walk home seemed shorter then usual. Colin excitedly scrambled up the stairs to my bedroom.
"Don't break my dvd player!" I shouted.
"Don't worry!"
I threw my backpack on the floor and grabbed some snacks before heading up to my room to join Colin. He sat on his knees right in-front of my tv.
"I got food." I said as I entered.
"Brilliant." He smiled.
I placed the food on the floor next to us and put the movie on.
"Movie time." He stated has he rubbed his hands together.

(3 hours later)
We were sitting in silence watching the second movie of the night when we heard sirens.
"What's that?" I asked.
"Sounds like a Fire Truck?" He said.
"It's probably nothing." I said as I looked out my window.
"We'll find out tomorrow." Colin said.
We went back to the movie while sirens still blasted in the background. I looked at the digital clock 9:13.

Colin yawned as I packed away the third movie we had watched.
"Tired?" I asked.
"Undeniably." He replied.
"Do you wanna stay the night?" I asked as I looked down at the carpet.
"Fuck yeah." He smiled as he stood up.
He flopped face down on the bed and started snoring. I walked up to him and touched his back gently.
"Colin?" I asked.
He groaned in response.
"Alright then."
I snuck into bed next to him and slept.

Gone are the dark clouds the had me blind (Colin gray fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now