7~gore ⚠️ warning

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(Colin's POV)

I woke up the next morning to see y/n sitting on my bean bag in the corner of the room flipping through pages of one of my Edgar Allen Poe books.
"Morning." They said.
"Good morning." I grumbled.
I slithered out of bed and chugged the rest of my nighttime water. Y/n was wearing my Halloween t-shirt and a pair of my black sweatpants, it made me feel good seeing them in my clothes.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"11:45." They said.
"Shit sorry how long have you been up?"
"It's fine I've been up since 11:00." They giggled as their fingers turned another page.
Y/n's giggles were severely contagious, and every time they giggled I would too.
"I couldn't find You're parents when I walked around the house." Y/n stated.
"Yeah my dad goes to see his mOm and my mOm does a Sunday market thing." I replied.

The rest of the day felt like it flew passed, y/n walked home at 2 and I splayed myself on my bed and watched horror movies until 11:15 when my mother screamed resoundingly at me to go to sleep. I dreamt of y/n, of their smile and the way they looked at me after I said something with hilarity. The way y/n dressed made me want to viciously tear out my stomach to release the butterflies that flapped around in there. I had these dreams and thoughts a lot, I haven't felt this strongly about someone before and it made me nervous.

The next day I was with y/n in front of the lockers when I heard Needy and Jennifer.
"Hey Colin." Needy waved.
"Hey." I replied.
I then looked over to Jennifer, she looked entrancing today. Her eyes had dark circles and her skin was pale. I mentioned my sudden notice of Jennifer to y/n as Needy and Jennifer had started walking away, they turned to me with a small bit of hurt in their eyes but they then covered it up with a mischievous smile.
"Hey Jennifer!" Y/n called out.
"What are you doing?!" I whispered.
"Ask her out." They replied.
"What?" 'It seems as though I'm not getting out of this.' I thought to myself.
"Yeah?" Jennifer asked as she approached us again.
Y/n nudged my shoulder, I instantly thought of what I was going to ask y/n to next weekend.
"Uh I... can I ask you something."
"You're gonna ask me to go out with you." Jennifer said with an unbothered look.
"Uh, how did? How did you?" I stumbled.
"Just go ahead with the pitch." She said.
"Ok... Well I thought that maybe you'd like to see a movie or something. There's a midnight showing of rocky horror at the bijou next weekend." I felt wrong as I asked out Jennifer, she wasn't even nice.
"I don't like boxing movie's." She replied.
'What the fuck.' I thought.
"It's not a... fucking boxing movie, um fuck it ok forget it." I said as I started walking away with
"Y/n, why'd? Why'd you make me do that?" I asked.
"Sorry, I thought you liked her?" They replied.
"I said she looked cool today not that I liked her... she thought rocky horror was a boxing movie!"
We both laughed.
Once we were half way down the hall Jennifer called out.
"Wait Colin, why don't you come over to mine tonight, I just got aquamarine on dvd, it's about this girl who's like half sushi-" I drowned out the rest of what she said.
"Okay. Great, yeah." I replied.
"I'll text you my address."

"So?" Y/n asked.
"So what?" I replied.
Y/n and I were walking to my house so they could dress me up for my date.
"Are you excited?" They asked.
"Not really." I replied as I rolled my eyes.
"You could cancel?" Said y/n.
"Says the person who made me ask Jennifer out." I said with a slight smirk.
Y/n huffed out a small laugh. And after awhile we reached my house.

"Can I put some music on?" Y/n asked as they held up a pierce the veil cd.
"Certainly." I replied.
I walked up behind y/n as they put the cd in my cd player. As they turned they got a small fright from me being there. They giggled and said.
"I have the sudden urge to hug you."
"Then do it." I replied.
The room went silent for what felt like 30 seconds before y/n wrapped their arms around me and mine around them.
After a minute we both let go of each other. (👹)
I looked away to hide my smile and blushed face, I caught a glimpse of y/n's smile before I looked away.
"I forgot to press play!" They stated as they turned quickly to press play.
The album 'a flair for the dramatic.' Played, and continued to play as y/n proceeded to help me get ready. They chose my shoes while I got dressed, they messed around with my hair while I put makeup on. And after an hour I was ready.

As I drove around an empty neighbor hood a dark feeling started to grow in the pit of my stomach. I walked up to the house Jennifer said was hers, 'this house isn't even finished' I thought. I eventually managed to get in and walked carefully up the fragmented stairs, and heard 'i wanna love you.' Playing lightly in the distance. So I followed the music.
"Hello?" I called out. "Jennifer?"
'I should leave.' I thought, but instead I continued.
I came to a room full of candles, the walls hadn't been built in yet it was just plastic drapes, and what looked like metal scrap's.
"You made it." A slightly raspy voice spoke.
I jumped and turned to see Jennifer.
"What's goin' on?" I asked.
"This uh, this isn't really you're house is it?" The pit in my stomach grew larger until I could feel it crawling up my throat.
"No baby.. this is our house, just for you and me." She replied as she stepped closer.
"We can play mOmmy and daddy." As she spoke she took her hoodie off and threw it to the side.
"Do you even know my last name?" I asked.
"Silly... I've been sending you signals all year. Couldn't you tell? You give me such a wettie."
She started to kiss my neck, then proceeded to kiss my lips. I kissed her back. 'This doesn't feel right.' Thoughts clouded my mind. The sound of rats made me jump away from Jennifer.
"What? Are you scared? I mean I thought boys like you were really into vermin and death and shit." She then pulled my pants down.
"Nice hardware ace."
I didn't know what to do, we continued kissing as more thoughts fogged my brain. 'Get out! This isn't right!' They started shouting.
I looked into her eyes as they changed suddenly. Her iris's seemed to disappear for a moment.
"No way." My knees felt weak.
I stepped back and walked into something sharp stabbing my hand.
"Oh puncture wound, that's so emo." Said Jennifer.
She grabbed my hand and snapped it. Pain shot through me like a shiny bullet. I screamed as she threw me to the ground.
"I need you frightened." She said gritting her teeth.
I could hair my heartbeat thump loud and quickly through my ears.

"I need you hopeless." Jennifer ripped my flesh away and after a few minutes I was gone.

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