6~smut warning 😘

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(Y/n's POV)

I was standing in the shower, there was a thick steam consuming me. I held onto my shoulders as the hot water ran down from my head to my back. I felt Colin move closer to me, he placed his hands on mine then moved my hands away from my shoulders. I turned around to look at him, his eyeliner had melted down his cheeks.
"You're eyeliner." I giggled.
His face went from a peaceful smile to a confused look.
"What?" He asked.
"Here." I said rolling my eyes.
I then wiped his eyeliner away with both of my thumbs. Colin smiled with his eyes closed as I wiped.
"Oh thank you." He said, still smiling.
He pulled me closer to him, his hand on my lower back.
"You're welcome." I replied.
Colin leaned in to kiss me, just as his lips touched mine... I woke up. (HEHEHEHEHDHJSKAKSLD)

I woke up to a cold and empty bed. I looked over at my digital clock 6:59 am, I waddled down to the kitchen and sat with a glass of juice for 30 minutes. I hadn't seen Colin for a couple days which somehow made my dreams of him more frequent. It had been a week since the fire and since Jonas Kozelle had been found dead. I walked over to the home phone and dialled Colin's number.
"Hello Gray residents?" Colin's dad picked up the phone.
"Hi Mr Gray it's y/n, is Colin awake?" I asked.
"It's 7:30 in the morning... Colin wakes up at 10 on a Saturday if we're lucky." He replied.
"Im sorry I shouldn't of called."
"No it's fine, I'll try and wake him for you. And call me Alex. Mr Gray makes me sound old."
I could hear a smile in his voice.
"Thank you m- Alex."
"I'll talk to you another time." He said as he put the phone on hold.

After awhile I heard shuffling then Colin's deep sigh before speaking.
"Hello?" His voice sounded deeper than normal, he had an annoyed tone as-well.
"Hey it's y/n. Sorry I called so early I couldn't sleep."
"No it's fine!... I haven't seen you in a awhile." His voice perked up instantly.
"Yeah, can I come over?" I asked.
"O-of course! What time?"
"I can leave now?" I asked.
"Yeah! I just gotta clean my room! Take you're time walking over!!"
I giggled as I hung up the phone.

Colin's house wasn't too far from mine, only a 15 maybe 20 minute walk. But the walk there was full of greenery, trees covering most of the sun only letting small golden beams through. The lack of sunlight kept the ground perfect for mushrooms, it was like walking in a fairytale book. Sadly that only lasts till I get to his street which is full of picket fence houses, Colin's house was the odd one out. I walked up to the door and knocked.
"Coming!!" I heard Colin scream.
When he opened the door he looked like he'd just run a marathon, he was puffing like crazy.
"Are you ok?" I asked
"Y-yeah." He tried to catch his breath. "Come in." He said.
I smiled as I walked in through the door.

When I got to Colin's room I could tell he had shoved clothes under his bed in a rush. I smiled.
'He's so cute.' I sat on the end of his bed, kicking a shirt sleeve back underneath as I do so.
"So uh, what do you wanna do?" Colin asked.
He started playing with his rosaries as he stood in-front of me, his hair was spikier then usual.
"I don't know, I didn't think of what to do when I actually got here haha. You're hair looks great today." I started to mess with my bracelets.
"I know." Colin said with a smirk, he then turned and walked out of his room.
"What?" I asked.
He didn't answer, instead I waited for what felt like 10 minutes.

When Colin came back he had a bunch of products in his arms.
"Colin?" I asked in a concerned tone.
"I'm gonna do your hair and makeup and dress you up like... well, me." He exclaimed, smiling.
His eyes were lit up which made me smile in response.
"Let's get started then." I replied.
Colin threw all the products on the floor and sat down, he looked up at me.
"Come sit in you're new salon." He said in a joking voice.
I hopped onto the floor and prepared myself.

After awhile Colin had finished slapping makeup on my face. I went to look in the mirror but he stopped me.
"Not yet, I need to do your hair." He said as he grabbed a hair brush and a can of hair spray. I sat back down and turned away from him so he could get easier ACCESS (😭🤌🏻👹.)
"You're hair is exceedingly soft." Colin said as he gently brushed through my hair.
"Thank you." I replied.
I could feel the warmth of his hands on the back of my neck. I closed my eyes and relaxed as he brushed, but he then started aggressively trying to rip my scalp off.
"AHHH what the fuck!?!" I screamed.
"Sorry! I was teasing it!" I exclaimed.
Colin giggled.
"I'm sorry. I'll be softer." I could hear the smirk on his face as he spoke.

I looked at myself in the mirror I'm awe. I usually hated it when other's dressed me, their styles never fit with mine and the clothes they would pick out would never fit right. Colin had put me in big black platforms with ripped black baggy Jeans, he chose a white button up top which had patterns sewn in on the chest. A long black jacket was obviously a necessity. He had messed around with my hair for at least 2 hours, eventually he styled it to look like Janis's hair from mean girls. The makeup was the highlight of his work, it was simple but it worked perfectly with the outfit.
"I love it." I said.
"Really?" Colin asked with a hopeful smile.
"I LOOK seductive, desirable, alluring, amazing!" Colin and I laughed. 'His laugh is so cute' I thought.
"I'm glad." He said with a big smile on his lips.
He then reached his hand up towards the side of my face and tucked a strand of hair back behind my ear. Shockwaves flew through my body.
"So ugh do you wanna stay the night?" He asked.
"If that's ok with you're parents?"
"Yeah they're not here tonight." He held the back of his neck with his left hand.
I smiled at him and he smiled back, his gorgeous eyes looked into mine.
"I guess I'm staying the night." I said.

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