22 1 1

Flash backs look like this.
Song recommendation: restless lullaby by EllaHarp and or youngest daughter by superheavan.
(Colin's POV an hour later)

I left chip, I couldn't carry his body as well as
y/n's, and there was nothing I could do. He was dead. But y/n was breathing. My body worked on auto pilot as my brain was slowly registering what was happening. I brought y/n back to their house. Y/n's keys were nowhere to be found, so I had to jump over the fence into the back yard and break the back door to get in.

Y/n groaned when I laid him gently on the bathroom floor.
"Y/n?" I asked.
They didn't reply. So I proceeded to take off their shoes, jewellery and blood stained jacket. Blood was everywhere in fact, but the wound had stopped bleeding thankfully.

"I don't know how this works but I'm gonna clean you up, since, that's what you did to help me?"
I knew y/n couldn't hear me but it felt better to talk to them as I unbuttoned their shirt and continued to clean their wound.

"This is going to scar worse than mine did."
The bite Jennifer left was bigger than my hand. It started from their right hip and ended about three inches away from the belly button.
"This should never have happened, you should have stayed home."
I could feel the tears welling up again, but I shoved them back. There's no time to cry right now.

I went to grab the first aid kit from under the bathroom sink, and when I turned back the wound had started healing itself. Slowly but surely the new tissue formed.
My hand healed in ten minutes but this would take much longer. I folded two gauze pads into more or less the size of Jennifer's bite, and wrapped an entire roll of bandage around y/n's waist.

"What do I do now?"
I thought back on what happened the night I turned. All the tears I had held back started pouring out. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Is it ok if I take these off?" He asked as I sat on the edge of the bath, they seemed so calm compared to me.

I sniffled as I tugged on y/n's sleeve.
"Is it ok if I take these off?" I copied.
"Please reply, I don't know what to do."
After sitting without any response for ten minutes, I gently scooped them up and carried them into the living room. My knuckles squirmed against the leather couch and I laid y/n down.

"You'll be hungry when you wake up."
I ran to the kitchen and pulled the last package of pigs blood out of the fridge.
I threw it on the counter and turned to grab a glass. Blood was better at room temperature.

As I poured the blood into the glass I realised I wasn't hungry. After drinking y/n's blood I felt amazing. This made me feel sick. 'What if pigs blood isn't enough anymore?'
I shook my head to release the thought.

I covered the top of the glass with cling wrap and left it on the counter. I was so tired by this point, I fell asleep as soon as I sat down, gently holding y/n's hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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