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Song recommendation is: rues farewell by James Newton Howard followed by service and sacrifice by Samuel Kim
(Colin's POV) tw blood and stuff 😃

Y/n started to fall backwards, I grabbed them just before their head hit the concrete. I started to panic, I shook their shoulders like an idiot in a sappy movie we would make fun of.
"Y/n!" Needy yelled.
"They-" I couldn't figure out what was happening.
My head pulsated and my hands were shaking.
"Look" Needy exclaimed, through tears, as she pointed to y/n's stomach.
I looked down and found Y/n and myself were covered in blood. I can't believe I didn't notice before. I had no idea what to do.
"Call an ambulance!" I shouted.
"We can't Colin! We have no phones and I think it's too late." Needy's voice broke with every second word she forced out.

Tears ran down my cheeks, more with every few seconds. I could hear Y/n still breathing, barely. Without giving it another thought I leaned down and bit into Y/n's neck.
"Colin?!" Needy's voice grew more distant as I continued.
The taste of Y/n's blood became overwhelming, almost intoxicating. I could hear their heart beating faster as I drank. With every ounce of will power I managed to stop.
In movies the vampire bites their victim, and to make the victim a vampire, makes them drink their vampire blood.
So I ripped open my palm, with my teeth. I opened their mouth and squeezed my hand until blood dripped down.

I waited, listening to Y/n's breathing.
It started to rattle.
"Y/n? Please wake up."
I didn't know if Needy was still there or not, all I could focus on was Y/n.
After five more minutes of waiting, I could hear their breathing stop along with their heart.
"NO NO NO NO NO!" I repeated as I started CPR.
I didn't really know CPR but Y/n had given me a basic understanding of it.
I pumped three times and I felt a crack, I had broken a rib, but I continued.
I did my best for maybe 20 minutes, time felt still. But I gave up and fell backwards, hyperventilating.
"THIS WASN'T HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO GO! THIS WASN'T HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO GO, this wasn't how it was supposed to go!"
My voice and soul felt like they were leaving my body. I let out a scream, it was so loud I could feel the floor shake. Y/n's body was splayed over my legs, their eyes were closed.

I cried as I looked away.

(Nearly one hour later)

I started to hear sirens, but I didn't care. I might as well of been dead. I opened my eyes and looked around. Needy had left, I'm not sure when, and Chips body was still there. I couldn't bring myself to look at Y/n, I was still holding their cold hand.

The sirens grew closer.
'Should I leave? Should I take the bodies with me?' My brain was both shouting thousands of thoughts, and was dead silent at the same time.
I stood up, still looking away from Y/n's body, and started to shuffle towards the window.
I didn't know where I was going, I didn't know why and I didn't really care anymore. Y/n was dead and there was no point to anything anymore.

That's when I heard a loud gasp.
I snapped back and saw Y/n start breathing.

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