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Recommend song is everlong by foo fighters.
(Colin's POV).

There y/n and I stood, on the precipice of the school grounds. It had been weeks since I had been even out of y/n's house, let alone at the school, where Jennifer was. I could sense her almost, lurking in the dark shadows. She smelt rotten. I looked at y/n, they seemed scared too. Ever since I became what I am I've had these, intense sensations, I felt things for, I heard things more and I could see more.
"Should we go in now?" They asked.
"Maybe Jennifer won't be here today?" I questioned.
I knew she was there, but I needed to tell myself something hopeful to lure myself out of the dark pit I was digging.
"Yeah, maybe." Y/n replied.

Walking through the hall's after being away so long, was entirely different than to how it was before. Yes people stared before I 'disappeared' but now everyone was staring. Not only because I was gone, but also because I looked different, I didn't need makeup anymore to look dead.
I went to my house before school with y/n this morning, and grabbed some contact lenses, I hadn't gotten the chance to use them yet. I think I'd rather people notice blueish purplish eyes than glowing red ones.
My parents were happy to see me, they still don't understand what happened but at least they don't pry like others do.

Half the day went by before I saw Jennifer, I had sat with Needy and y/n in the canteen. She just walked past. Her face when she saw me was a combination of fear, anger, shock and confusion. But she hid it all with a small smile at me.
"I think I'm gonna barf." I said before rushing out of the canteen, y/n and Needy following behind me.
"I didn't see her face! How did she react?!" Needy's words scrambled out of her mouth as soon as we made it to the men's toilets.
Y/n held open the main door as well as the stall door, using their left hand and right foot, while Needy stood outside.
"I didn't see much, but she smiled?" Y/n replied.
I gagged over the toilet bowl with nothing coming out for a few minutes before I spoke.
"She looked... confused?" I swallowed before continuing. "I think that's the best description, she also looked angry."
"You ok?" Asked y/n.
I nodded yes, before standing.

The rest of the day went on fine, y/n and I saw Jennifer only once after that. We were getting ready to walk home when I spotted her watching us from a distance. We made eye contact as she stood hiding partially behind the lockers down the hall. I managed to hold myself together, until we had walked out of the school.
"Y/n I don't think my legs can hold me up anymore." I said as I fell to my knees.
My whole body was shaking.
Y/n said nothing, they simply knelt down in front of me and pulled me into their arms. I didn't realise I was crying until now.
"How long have I been crying?" I asked.
"Awhile." They replied.
I'm not sure how long we stayed like that, but in y/n's arms was the only place I had felt safe that day.
"I'm ok now." I said as I stood up.
"You sure?" They asked, still kneeling on the concrete.
I nodded and proceeded to lift y/n up with one arm. 
"Should we stay home tomorrow?" Y/n asked as they picked up my bag and flung it over their shoulder.
"No, Needy can't be the only person keeping an eye on her. And she knows I'm alive now, what can she do?"
My brain started inventing new horrific ways she could kill me just as I finished speaking. Y/n gave me a look, and started walking. I grabbed their hand and held it until we arrived home.

Two days had past since y/n and I had started school again. The teachers were confused, as were the other students. My parents had told the school I was just sick, while y/n put up with detention.
Jennifer would pop up every now and then but never approached me, probably because I made sure I was never alone. When y/n wasn't with me Needy was.
All we would talk about was the plan, the plan to stop Jennifer.
All I could think about was the night of the dance, it kept getting closer. Like a looming shadow. It's scared the shit out of me, but I knew that once it was over that would be it, I would either be dead or we will have won and once it's over I won't have to think about it again.

(Sorry this chapter was short. I need to post it now or else I never will 🤪)

Gone are the dark clouds the had me blind (Colin gray fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now