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Listen to the score from The Mockingjay Part II There Are Worse Games To Play by James Newton while reading this chapter

(Y/ns pov)

I watched Colin as he slept, his face twitched every now and then. 'Must be having a nightmare.' I thought. I sat down next to him on the bed and gently caressed his cheek, his face relaxed. My fingers wandered over to play with his soft hair. As I curled his hair around my index finger I realised that his face looks different, his eyes had dark under bags his cheeks were slightly sunken in. He hasn't eaten anything just drained a steak dry. I looked over at my DVDs and spot my collection of vampire movies. 'Vampires aren't real, this is too fucked up.' I quietly got up and tiptoed out of my room into the hallway and down the stairs to the home phone. There was a chill in the air as I dialled Needy's number. My fingers felt cold like ice.
"Hello?" Needy's Voice sounds shaky and tired.
"Hey Needy, it's y/n."
"Oh hi, what's up? It's like 6 in the morning?"
"Yeah sorry. Can u come over to mine?" I asked as I realised she has no idea where I live.
"Um, ok but why?"
"I can't really explain it, but I found Colin."
I hear a small sigh of relief coming from Needy.
"What's your address?" She asked

20 minutes pass until the doorbell rang and I dashed towards the door.
"Oh wow that was fast." Needy stated as she stepped through the door.
"Sorry I'm just... it's." My breathing became heavier.
"Where's Colin?" Needy asked.
I gestured for Needy to follow as I waddled back up towards my bedroom.

"He looks half dead." Needy whispered.
"He hasn't eaten anything... Needy I don't want to sound crazy, but..." I tiptoed back to the hallway outside my room, Needy followed.
"I think this might be supernatural?" I questioned the words as they flew out of my mouth in a hushed voice.
'She must think I'm insane.' I thought.
There was a moment of silence before Needy spoke. Her face didn't seem shocked or confused, she looked at the ground and then back at me.
"I believe you."
My shoulders relaxed as soon as I heard those words.

From Needy and I sat on the living room couch as she explained to me everything she had found out about Jennifer. A succubus, I felt like I was in a dream. 'This shit isn't real it can't be real, it's all just movie nonsense.' I kept thinking.
"How come Colin has survived and not the others?" I asked.
Needy looked puzzled for a moment then said.
"Maybe she didn't finish him? I don't know, I haven't read anything about if victims survive."
Suddenly I heard slow footsteps coming from the top of the stairs. I looked up then back at Needy.
"What?" She asked.
"I think Colin's awake."
I walked over to the bottom of the stairs and there he was staring down to me. The hallway was dark but I could just make out his face.
"Morning." He said with a small weak smile.
"I called Needy over."
His smile turned into fear.
"It's okay, come down." I stepped up and grabbed his hand.

His eyes squinted in the light as I guided him towards the living room.
"Why is it so bright?" He asked as He held his hand over his eyes.
"I'll close the curtains." Needy exclaimed.
Once Colin was seated and the curtains were closed, everyone sat silent for awhile until Colin finally broke the ice.
"So what's occurring?" His smile reappeared but with sad eyes, that burnt my heart.
Needy proceeded to tell him everything her and I had talked about all morning. I sat silently, my stomach felt like it was going to implode while my head felt dizzy, I felt unreal. I looked over to Colin who was also looked back at me while Needy searched her book for a certain page.
'I'm okay if you are.' He mouthed to me.
My eyes began to well up with water, but I breathed in and wiped them away.

'What do we do now?' I thought.

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