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I couldn't sleep, not after what happened with Colin. My mind kept fluttering back to us in the kitchen. 'I feel like a 12 year old.' I thought to myself as I rolled over. Colin and I had slept in the same bed before but it was different this time, he knew I liked him and I knew he liked me.
"Are you awake?" I whispered.
No response.
"I'm bored and can't sleep." I whispered again, and again no response.
'Fuck this.' I started shimmying out of bed when suddenly Colin's hand grabbed my wrist stopping me from leaving.
"So you are awake." I said with a grin.
"No, I'm dead asleep, gallivanting around with farm animals in my dreams." He voice was muffled but the duvet covering his face.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.
He didn't reply, instead he grabbed my torso with his other hand and flipped me back onto my bed with him on top of me, looking down with his glowing red eyes.
"Happy now?" I asked with a sarcastic tone.
"Exceedingly." He replied.
He then leaned down, I thought for a moment that he was going to kiss me again, but instead he gently placed his head down on my chest and snuggled into me.
"Your heartbeat is increasing." He whispered.
"Huh... funny that." I said as I stated directly at the ceiling.
I could feel Colin's jaw move on my chest as he smiled smugly.
"Breathe deeper and slower." Said Colin.
I took five deep breaths, I watched Colin's head rise and lower with each breath I took. I moved my right hand to his head, twirling his loose curls in my fingers before finally falling asleep.

When I woke up everything felt soft. My eyes remained closed as I took note of every sensation I could feel on my skin, the folds in the blanket, the pillow underneath my head, the soft fabric of my sheet that my fingers had crawled towards only to fiddle with. Colin wasn't in the bed, his absence made me break out of my sensory experience. My eyes opened and I sat up. I could see the sun peaking through my curtains.
"Colin?" I spoke as I scanned my room.
"Colin?!" I threw the blankets off me and ran to the hallway.
I looked over to the bathroom to see the light on from under the door. 'Why was I panicking?' I thought as a sigh of relief huffed out of me.
I swung the door open. Colin was standing frozen, mid taking his shirt off.
"Morning." I Said cheerily.
"I- uh, I was gonna shower?"
"Yeah I see that." I stated as I stepped towards the sink.
I grabbed my toothbrush and tooth paste. Colin, who was still standing with his shirt partly off, mumbled
"Ok then." And continued taking his shirt off.
He threw it to the washing basket in the corner of the room and moved up behind me.
"Wanna join?" He whispered mockingly in my ear.
I could see my cheeks turn red in the mirror, and Colin's smug face behind me. I took a sharp breath, in spat out my toothpaste, and turned to look at him.
"...okay." I replied.
He was taken aback, now his cheeks were red and I was in charge.
I smiled, kissed his cheek then walked out the bathroom door saying.
"Maybe tomorrow."

Gone are the dark clouds the had me blind (Colin gray fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now