10~smut and blood warning

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Time by Hans Zimmer followed by one day also by Hans Zimmer is recommended.
(Y/n's POV)

I felt useless as I watched Colin waste away. Nothing he ate stayed down, not even steak.
"Maybe we should try blood?" Needy suggested.
"No way!" Colin lash out.
"Sorry." He said after calming down a little.
"It's worth a try Colin, nothing else is working." I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder.
He looked up and our eyes made contact. His eyes which were once blue had turned grey.
"Please." I begged.
"Fine." He replied, breaking eye contact as he spoke.
With that Needy sped off to the kitchen to get the pigs blood we had bought from the butcher for Colin to try.
"Just close your eyes and chug." I said as Needy handed him the glass.
My hand was now placed gently on his upper back where I could feel a faint heartbeat. As he held the glass in his hands the beating of his heart became rapid. After a few seconds of holding the glass Colin proceeded to do exactly what I said, close his eyes and chug. Needy's face scrunched up, cringing as she watched him. Once the glass was empty everything was silent until
"More... please." He handed the glass back to Needy.
"It worked?" She asked.
Colin replied with a nod.
"Do you feel any better?" I asked.
"I feel disgusting." He turned to look at me. "But I do feel better." He smiled reassuringly.
I looked into his eyes. 'Oh.' Was all I could think as I stared into his eyes.
"What?" He asked, turning his whole body to me.
"Your eyes? They're red!" I replied.
"What?" His face became puzzled.
I stood up to grab a hand mirror from the Downstairs bathroom.
"Look." I Said passing it to him.
"Holy shit!" He yelled.
"What's going on?!" Needy asked as she jumped back into the living room with another glass in hand.
"I guess this shit is real." He said as he stared into the mirror.

A few hours later at 3:20 PM Needy had gone home and Colin had drunken the entire carton of pigs blood.
"You look much better." I said as I was tidying up my bed.
Colin was sat in the dark corner of my room watching.
"Apart from the glowing red eyes."
I moved closer and knelt down in front of him.
"We can get you contact lenses for when u see your parents." I said.
"My parents."
He had told his parents that he was okay but had to stay at mine for awhile, I don't know exactly how he got them to let him stay. They come round every so often and bring food, Colin usually stood behind me at the door, and wouldn't let me have them come in.
I pulled Colin into a hug, he gave one right back and dug his face into the crook of my neck.

Later at 6 PM Colin was hungry again.
"I don't think the butchers are still open."
"I think I can wait until morning." Colin slumped down on the couch as he spoke.
"I still have some raw meat?" I said as I stared into the fridge. "You could drain those dry?"
Suddenly I felt a brush of wind behind me, then Colin's hand on my shoulder.
"AH FUCK!" I yelled in shock. "I thought you were on the couch!"
"I was." Replied a confused Colin.
"Never mind, Here." I Said passing Colin two of the packaged raw meat.

20 minutes later and all the meat had been drained. I looked at Colin there was a drop of blood travelling down his chin. I stepped forward and with my thumb caught the drop. Colin looked down at my thumb then back at me.
"May I?" He asked.
I nodded.
He kissed the droplet off my thumb and after a moment of intense eye contact he leaned in to kiss me. He hesitated at my lips, I then grabbed the back of his head and push him into the kiss. 'Am I dreaming again?' I thought to myself as Colin placed his hand on my lower back. His hand moved up to my hair, he then held the back of my head. My stomach wasn't just full of butterfly's it was full of mice rabbits and some sort of demon scratching to get out. My right hand which had been holding onto his soft hair moved down to his hip and held onto his shirt tightly. I felt that if I let go he might've flown away. All the thoughts in my mind dissipated until a sudden sharp pain on my bottom lip broke the kiss.
"Ow!" I said. Colin still held me close.
"Shit I'm so sorry!" He let go of me and grabbed a paper towel.
I placed the paper towel on my lip and when I pulled it away it was covered in my blood.
"Oh." Was all I could get out. I was still speechless and breathless from the kiss.
"I'm sorry." Colin repeated.
"It's fine don't worry." I said. I couldn't stop blushing and smiling. I didn't even care about my lip.
"You're blushing." He Said before he began blushing too.
I giggled, still holding the paper towel to my lip.
Colin moved in closer to me and placed a gentle kiss on my lefts cheek, then moved to my right.
"So that wasn't a dream?" I asked.
Colin chuckled

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