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(Colin's pov)

I woke up with y/n sleeping next to me. Their face was turned away and I had my arms wrapped around their left arm. I wriggled out of the bed and looked down at y/n. A beam of sun was hitting their face highlighting their dark eyelashes, their hair was slightly covering their face so I gently pushed it to the side. I looked around for something meaningless to do, to fill the dark void of waiting for y/n to wake up.

I tiptoed to the downstairs tv and looked through the 6 am channels.
"Everyone is panicking and Greif stricken after last nights events at the Melody Lane bar." The news reporter said.
"Huh?!" I turned the volume up slightly.
"Many are dead including eight Highschool students-" the reporter continued.
"Holy shit!" I rushed upstairs.
Y/n had rolled over to my side of the bed and was stretching. I rushed up to them and gently shook their shoulders.
"Y/n! Y/n? Wake up!" I felt sick, what if one of my friends had burned.
"What is it?" Y/n groaned.
"Get up there's been a fire!"
Their eyes blasted open.
We ran back down to the tv and watched the news all morning.
"Needy and Jennifer were going to that bar last night!" Y/n blurted out.
We were in shock.

We managed to get to school after sitting watching the news and staring into space. Everyone looked like rigid corpses sauntering around in a state of shock. Y/n stayed close to me but didn't say much, I didn't either. We split up for first period it felt weird not to have them there. My teacher explained to the class snippets of information about the fire, one of my class mates cried all the way through class. I went to see Needy during break to see if she felt alright after the fire, then went off to find y/n.

They were sitting next to the main staircase, with headphones in. I walked up behind them and gently grabbed their shoulders.
"Earth to y/n." I said as they took out one of their ear pieces.
"I had a feeling you were behind me." They replied.
"Hm is that why you jumped?"
They smiled and zipped open their bag.
"I got something for you... it's from science class I thought you might like it." They said as they rummaged through their bag.
I sat down next to y/n as I patiently waited for my unidentified present. After a few minutes of bath searching y/n pulled out a test tube that had been damaged and had hundreds of tiny cracks all over making it look like vintage crackle glass. They then pulled out a stand for it and a leaf from a book.

"I thought a page looked cool if I put it inside the test tube." They explained as they gently pushed the paper into the crackle tube. Looking at it closely you could read the words of the page through the glass.
"It looks very poetic." I stated.
"Thank you y/n I will treasure it."
Y/n leaned over and lightly hugged me, I hugged back harder.
"EWWWW EMOS!" Someone shouted while y/n and I embraced.

We both laughed later recounting the interaction as we walked home.
"I'm guessing you're parents want you home tonight?" Y/n asked.
"Yeah after the fire and now the death of Jonas Kozelle, I don't think they want me to leave their sites again."

My mind raced all night as I held the test tube in my hand re reading the page over and over.
'I wish y/n liked me back.' I thought.
I then placed the tube on it stand next to my bed and rolled over onto my side. I then fell asleep.

Gone are the dark clouds the had me blind (Colin gray fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now