3~smut warning🤪

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Colin sat next to me on the empty bleachers, the wind blowing through his hair. He scooted closer to me then started to lean into a kiss.
"May I?" He asked.
"You may."
And with that he was passionately kissing me. I could feel his lip ring tease my tongue. His left hand supported my back while the right held on to the seat behind us. His left hand slowly moved up my back an-
I woke up in cold sweats.
"What the actual fuck was I dreaming about!?!"
I threw the blankets off me and ran to the bathroom for a cold shower.

I turned the knob to its coldest setting and let the water wash away the sweat. It had been a few days since Colin and I watched Coraline together, but I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Saturdays are usually fun days for me but today I had nothing planned.
'I could call Colin?' I thought.
I stared at my phone for 8 minutes debating wether I should call him or not after the dream I had just had, but my crisis was cut short when the phone rang. I picked it up.
"Hello?" I asked
"Hey it's Colin. May I unwind in you're company?... sorry- uh, wanna meet up?"
'The irony.' I thought.
"Yeah, I'll wait outside for you."
"I'm on my way." I could hear his smile in his voice.

I wore black corduroys with converse shoes, a white button up top with a dark grey and purple striped tie with white accents and a dark purple denim jacket. It was foggy outside and all I could smell was pine. I waited on my front porch for 20 minutes until Colin showed up.
"New jacket?" He asked.
"Yeah." I smiled. "So what are we doing today?"
He pulled on his red and black scarf as he sighed.
"I was thinking, w-we uh graveyard?" He played with his rosaries.
"Sure." I stood up and started walking the the direction of the cemetery.

We were halfway to the cemetery when I asked
"Why were you so nervous before?"
He smiled with a huff and said
"what do you mean?"
"Every time you get nervous you fidget with you're rosary beads and stammer." I replied.
"W-was I doing that?" He started playing with his rosaries again.
"Yeah, while you were asking if I wanted to go to the cemetery."
"Oh..." he looked down at the ground.
"Never-mind." I threw a smile his way.

The cemetery was empty when we got there. But after and hour of reading gravestone's and taking pictures of each other, a funeral started being set up so we knew that was our cue to leave.
"Would you like to continue hanging at my house?" Colin asked.
"I've never seen you're house before... sure why not."
"My parent's will be at work until 7." He said.
"Show me the way."
Colin smiled as he place his hand on my back for a moment to show me the way to his house. For what felt like hours after he moved his hand away I could still feel the warmth from his hand in that part of my back.

His house had succulent galore. The backyard looked like a museum of succulents.
"Why so many-"
"Succulents?" He interrupted.
"My dad forgets to water plants most of the time so he gets succulents."
He then showed me to his room. Butterflies filled my stomach as he took his jacket off and threw it to the corner of his room. He had blackout curtains that had obviously been torn up by a cat. His bed was unmade but still neat somehow? He had slasher movie posters all over his walls and a cross above his bed. A small tv sat in one corner of his room along with hundred's of dvd's and cassette tapes.
"So uh this is my humble abode." A small laugh escaped his lips.
"I love the posters!" I said as I traced my finger along his wall.
"Most of them were given to me by my friends."
I could feel him watching me as I inspected his bedroom.
"What movies do you have?" I asked.
"Uh, well I recently acquired rocky horror picture show." He knelt down in-front of his dvd collection and pulled out 'rocky horror picture show.'
"Wanna watch?" I asked.
"You've read my mind." He said as he giggled to himself.

After the movie I walked home with Colin escorting me. The dream I had still lingered in the back of my mind. I wondered what his lips would actually feel like, if he would kiss me or if he only thought of me as a friend.

"I will see you at school on Monday!" Colin said as he waved goodbye.
"See ya!"
As soon as I got to my bed I flopped down and fell asleep.

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