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I left class and rushed over to the science room to meet Colin. I had been thinking about him all night, weirding myself out. I was only waiting for 2 minutes when I saw him. His lip ring was shining abnormally bright from the school lights. "Hey you came." I said.
"Of course." He smiled as he played with his rosaries.
"So since I'm new to this school do you wanna show me all the best parts that was left out during the tour?" I asked.
"Certainly." He gestured his arm for me to walk with him.

After school finished Colin met up with me to walk me home again. This happened everyday for two weeks. We talked about movies, music and anything really. One night I was in my room on the second floor of my house, when I heard a tap 'Tf?' And then another tap. I sat up and looked around. Then another tap. It was coming from my window. I walked over, slid the window open and looked down.
"Colin!? The fuck are you doing here, it's 11:40 and raining!"
"May I enter?!" He shouted up to me.
"Yeah of course but wha-" he ran to the front door before I could finish.

I opened the front door to see Colin panting. "You alright? It's raining pretty hard out there." I asked
"yes... would you like too watch a movie or do something else?.." he asked.
"Do you're parents know you're gone?" I asked as I let him in and closed to door.
"They somewhat know I've left." He replied. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"I left a note."
I looked at his angelic face. His eyes glinted in the moonlight that shone in through the windows.
"Where are you're parents?" He asked.
"They're gone for the week. Anyway what movie did you want to watch?" He smiled with excitement as he pulled out Coraline

"I hope I didn't wake you?" Colin asked as I put the disk in the dvd player.
"No I was... awake" I replied.
"Where do you wanna sit?" I asked.
The options were my bed or a bean bag. My tv was right in front of my king sized bed and the bean bag was further from the tv in the corner of my room.
"Where are you going to be situated?" He asked. "Well I'm sitting on my bed so you can sit with me if you'd like?" He nodded and we sat on the bed.

As the movie played I could smell his forest like musk mixing with the scent of his damp clothes. I could feel his body relax after the movie had finished, when I looked down he was asleep. His eyeliner had ran down his left cheek. I carefully got up and grabbed spare blankets to cover him with. He wasn't taking up too much of the bed so I slipped back in and fell asleep facing the other way.

When I woke up Colin had his head nuzzled into my neck and his arms wrapped around my arm. his faint snores filled the room.
"Colin?" I nudged him lightly.
"Hmf" he replied
"I need my arm, can you let go?" I tried to wiggle my arm free. He groaned as I freed my arm and got out of bed. He scrunched his face at the realisation that I wasn't there anymore but quickly fell back into a peaceful sleep.

I waited for him to wake up in the kitchen. After an hour I heard slow foot steps coming down the stairs. A very tired looking Colin waddled into the kitchen.
"Morning sleeping beauty." I said.
"What a dreary morning." He stated.
"Do you want breakfast? There's cereal or left over chinese takeaways."
"Delicious." He said as he rubbed his eyes.
I stood up and grabbed the container of leftovers.
"May I utilise you're shower?" Colin asked.
"Of course, I'll have your breakfast ready when you get out."
He then waddled off to the bathroom, still holding his rosary in his hand.

I brought a towel and some old shirts I owned to the door of the bathroom.
"Colin?! I got some towels and shit for you!" I shouted, the shower was going and I could see small clouds of steam sneak out from the bottom of the door.
"Thank you!... just a moment." He shouted.
After a few seconds of shuffling and the shower turning off Colin opened the door slightly.
"Here you go." I said.
He grabbed the pile of towels and clothes with one hand while his other hand was keeping himself covered with the door.
"Thank you." He said.
"There's some shirts there too." I said with a smile then turned away.

He came out wearing my scream shirt with his baggy black pants.
"You look odd without eyeliner." I said.
"I feel odd without eyeliner." He replied.
"I should go home now, my mOm will be worrisome." He picked up his zip up hoodie.
"Ok wanna come over again tomorrow?" I asked.

Gone are the dark clouds the had me blind (Colin gray fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now