13~light smut and blood warning

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She sings by mook is the recommended song for this chapter. Also sorry this one is short.
(Colin's POV)

The hunger is like no other, all I can think about is how hungry I am most of the time. I drink the pigs blood but it doesn't fill me up much, I feel like an empty dark hole and no matter how much pigs blood you pour into it, it can never be satisfied. Tasting y/n's blood on their lip as we kissed made my heart flutter, it took everything in me not to dig my teeth into their neck. Thinking of y/n was definitely a good distraction from hunger. I smiled as images from the night before flashed through my mind.

I sat on the kitchen stool while y/n was upstairs taking a shower. I thought back to the other day when I had offered y/n to join me during mine. I could feel my cheeks becoming red yet again.
'I wonder what would happen if I just walked into their shower.' I thought. I placed my empty glass on the counter and slid off the stool, there were times where I would walk somewhere and just appear at the destination I desired. All I could notice was a brush of air flowing past my face and through my hair. This was one of those times.

I knocked on the bathroom door.
"Y/n?." I called out.
"Yeah?" They replied.
"May I join you?" I asked.
For a moment it was completely silent. I could hear a slight slip from the tub, y/n whispered 'Shit' then finally replied.
"Uh ok."
I opened the door and looked up. There blue shower curtain which y/n was partly hiding behind, they pulled their head back behind the curtain after I closed the door. I began taking off my clothes.
"So what what the 'Shit' for?" I asked.
"I slipped, um, nearly feel out."
I giggled as I slipped past the curtain. Y/n was facing the shower head, water ran down their bare back (🤭🫣🥵).
"There's no more conditioner, by the way." Said y/n.
"Okay." I replied as I stepped closer.
I placed a kiss on their shoulder and y/n began to relax. I slid my arms under theirs and held them close. My lips moved towards their right ear and I whispered:
"You have beguiled me y/n."
Y/n's head turned and their lips met mine, but as we began making out the once hot water became ice cold.
We both stumbled out of the cold shower and grasped for the towels on the heated rack. Once we had sufficiently covered our cold bodies with heated towels, we looked at each other and began laughing.

An hour later and we were huddled up in bed watching Shaun of the dead.
"Colin?" Y/n turned to me as they spoke
"What are we? What is our relationship?" They asked.
"What do you want it to be? I don't want to be mere friends with benefits." I replied.
Y/n smiled slightly and nodded.
"I don't want that either." They said before Scooting closer to me.
I kissed the top of their head, then proceeded to ask.
"So we are in a romantic relationship?"
"Yes." They replied.

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