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(Y/n's POV)

Colin didn't come back that night, I stayed in his room waiting all night. I had this weird feeling, I felt sick and goosebumps engulfed my body.
'I shouldn't of set him up.' I thought to myself.
I just wanted him to have fun and when he said he thought Jennifer was pretty I went for it. It hurts to think he's with someone else though.
"Hey y/n dear, are you staying the night?" Colin's mOm asked as she peaked through the door to his bedroom.
"Um no I'll head home now. I don't want to bother you." I replied.
"You wouldn't be bothering us darling, stay the night, it's late and I wouldn't want something bad to happen to you while you walk home." She said with a small comforting smile.
"Ok, thank you mrs Gray."

As I waited for Colin to come back the next day I took a little snoop around. He had a Batman action figure on his windowsill (🥹🥲👹) next to it was a dying cactus. I grabbed an old half filled water bottle from his bedside table and drowned the poor cactus, after a few minutes it looked healthier. I smiled to myself. After ten minutes of dusting Colin's knickknacks his dad came in.
"Hello. I'm just wondering, do you know when Colin will be coming back." He asked. His hands in his Jean pockets as he leaned against the doorframe.
"Um, I'm not sure. I'm gonna head over to my place he might be there, he knows where the spare key is." I said with a reassuring smile.
"That sounds good. Call if he turns up." He partially closed the door and noticed the squeaky hinges.
"And tell him to oil his door hinges." He huffed out a small laugh, and left.

By the time I got home it was already getting dark. There were no signs of Colin and I was panicking. I ran to my phone, I couldn't call Colin or Jennifer so I called the closest person to her, Needy.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Hey Needy, it's y/n y/l/n. I was wondering if you know what happened with Colin and Jennifer's date? I haven't heard from him since before he left." As I spoke I could feel tears well up in my eyes.
"I- I'm sorry y/n I haven't heard anything." Her voice sounded shaky.
"Ok um... can u call me if you hear anything please?" I asked.
"Yeah of course."
"Thank you. Goodbye."
As soon as the phone hung up it started to rain. I waited by the phone with a blanket wrapped around me. As I waited I started to doze off, it was around 10:30 pm, my eyes wouldn't stay open.

I later woke to three loud bangs at my front door. I scrambled to the door, catching a glimpse of the clock on my way there, 11:45. 'BANG BANG!'
"I'm coming!" I shouted.
I swung open the door... and there he was, covered in blood and hunched in a ball shaking.
"Oh my god! Colin?" I exclaimed, as I pulled him inside.
"Jennifer... sh-she." He tried to speak, but he was in shock.
"It's ok, It's ok." I spoke as I ran my fingers through his hair in an attempt to calm him down.
His hands held tightly onto my shirt sleeve.
"I-t hurts!" His breathing was heavy.
"Can you stand?" I asked.
He forced himself up as he gripped tighter onto me.

Eventually we made it to the bathroom. He had blood all over his clothes but his pants were missing. I sat him down on the edge of the bath tub.
"Who's blood is this?" I asked.
"Mine." Replied Colin. He stared at the floor as tears ran down his cheeks.
"I'm so sorry Colin." I cried.
"No... it's not your fault." He said as he held my face in his bloody hands.
"Is it ok if I take these off?" I asked, referring to his blood drenched clothes.
He lifted his arms up in response. I pulled off his shirt to find his stomach covered in bites and scratches, there were somehow healing themselves?
"What the fuck!" I yelped. "What happened to you?!"
"Jennifer... she's not-" he gasped to hold in his crying. "She's not human."
"I went to the date, and she... her eyes?!"
I started the bath while he gathered his memories.
"She ate... me?... everything went black, and then I just woke u-up alone?!"
I sat with him on the edge of the bath and wrapped my arm gently around his back, avoiding his miraculously healing wounds.
"I'm so hungry." He said as he turned to me.
"I can heat up some spaghetti o's?"
He smiled and leaned his head on my shoulder.
"That Sounds nice." He said.
I stood up and turned the running water off.
"Let's get you in the bath first." I said.
He held onto my shoulders, wincing in pain as he stood back up. 'Is this a bad time to realise that he's half naked?' I thought to myself.

Once he was in the bath I went to the kitchen and got him spaghetti o's.

I sat on the floor next to the bathtub with his bowl sitting next to me, a spoon of spaghetti o's in my hand.
"Here comes the aeroplane." I said jokingly. Trying to lighten the mood.
Colin chuckled and said. "Ahhhh." With his mouth wide open.
'His teeth look different.' I thought. I looked at his abdomen, his wounds had stopped bleeding, and were a lot smaller than before.
"These spaghetti o's aren't helping much." He said, after his 9th spoonful.
"Should I get you something else?" I asked.
"No it's... it's fine. I should call my parents." He said as he sat up slightly.
"Here." I said as I pulled him up.
He seethed through his teeth. I wrapped a warm towel around him and helped him waddle to the kitchen. He picked up the phone and slowly dialled his parents number.
"Hey ma, I'm ok... I-"
I could hear his mOm freaking out on the phone. I opened the fridge to see what I can give Colin, I pulled out two raw packaged steaks from the supermarket. I heard the phone hang up.
"What's that?" Asked Colin.
"It's a Steak, do you wanna try one?" I asked as I slapped the steaks on the counter.
Colin nodded with a smile and slid onto the kitchen barstool.
"How do you like your steak?" I asked.
"Usually medium well but I'll do rare." He replied. His voice sounded exhausted.
I gently lay the steak on the hot pan, the other steak and container were on the counter next to Colin.

(Colin's POV)

My stomach felt like sharp knives were ripping there way out. I was so hungry, I could smell the steak on the counter. There was, as per usual when buying packaged steak, a thin puddle of blood in the plastic packaging. It smelt sweet, all I could think of was devouring the raw meat.
'What the fuck is wrong with me?!' I thought.
"Are you alright?" Y/n asked as they placed the cooked steak in-front of me.
"Yeah... I just feel like shit." I replied, with a reassuring small.
Y/n replied with the same smile.
"I should wrap your stomach in something." They said.
They walked off to get the first aid kit, the silence in the kitchen was deafening. I stared at the raw steak, I couldn't control my body, the urge was too strong. I snatched the package and inhaled the blood, and finally I felt some sort of satisfaction. I Bit into the raw meat and drained it.
"Colin?" Y/n stood confused.
"I'm sorry... I-I couldn't control!" I cried.
"It's ok." They held me on the floor.

We cried together until morning.

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