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(You have an option between two outfits a dress that is black with sparkles and knee high socks, or a suit with a black jacket, black pin stripe pants and a purple button down shirt which is tucked into the pants. I will be using the suit to describe what y/n is wearing later but, if you want to wear a dress imagine a dress 🕺🏻. Shoes are dock martins in both outfits.)
(Y/n's POV)

I woke up at 3:45 on the morning of the school dance. I felt like I was dying, my heart pounded so hard in my chest I thought it was about to explode, and each time I tried to breathe a tightness stopped me from achieving my goal.

"Y/n?" My ears were ringing, but I could hear Colin's groggy confused voice.
"What's going on?"
I could feel the bed move as he wriggled closer to me.
"Slow down your breathing." His voice was calm, it felt so nice amidst the panic.

He scooped his arm underneath my back and pulled me upward. He gently placed his hand between my shoulders blades. His hand moved slowly upward and then slowly downward.
"Breathe with me." He said.
As his hand moved up he took in a deep breath, then breathed out as his hand moved down.
After what felt like minutes, the tightness in my chest eased. Each breath felt shaky but better than before.

Colins eyes glowed red in the dark, causing everything in my immediate vision to turn a slight shade of red.
"Are you alright?" Colin asked.
"Yeah... I just." I took another shaky breath.
"I don't know what happened... I couldn't stop thinking..."
I raised my hand to my face, I didn't realise I had been crying.
Colin wrapped his arms around me and said,
"I know."

(Colins pov) afraid by the neighbourhood followed by unfair.

Falling back to sleep after y/n had calmed down wasn't an option. We had both fully woken up and with the daunting evening ahead of us we couldn't relax. The worst part of this moment was hearing y/n's heart beat, it always made me hungry, I hated it.
I grabbed a T-shirt off from the ground and proceeded to put it on backwards.
"Are you hungry?" I asked as I leaned over to kiss them on the forehead.
"Not really"
"Would you come downstairs with me anyway? I asked as I pulled their arm gently.
Y/n huffed out a laugh and said:
"You can be a big baby sometimes you know." A sarcastic smile etched onto their face.

I have tried cows blood, pigs blood and chicken blood, pigs being the most filling but none of them tasted that good, chickens blood in particular, was vile and tangy. I kept wondering what human blood tasted like, would it be more appetising? I remember as a kid when my milk teeth fell out the metallic taste in my mouth. Would blood taste different now?
Y/n snapped me out of my thoughts with a glass of pigs blood.
"Thank you." I said.
To be quite honest, I was disappointed with my 'vampire powers'. So far all I could do was move fast and smell and hear more than others could. How could that help in my fight with Jennifer?

The rest of the morning consisted of y/n and I showering... together, during which I couldn't stop blushing. Then laying out weapons on the bed, Needy had bought some hunting knifes and y/n's father left his machete in the garage, as well as his BB gun. We knew it wouldn't do any damage but it's good to try I suppose?

I looked at the weapons lined up in order of size, then up at y/n. The bags under their eyes were prominent.
"We have to win." They said.
"What if we don't?" I placed my hand on y/n's right bicep, then trailed down to their hand.
They were silent for a while, I thought they weren't going to reply until they muttered.
"I don't know."

(Y/n's pov)

Going to school seemed pointless but we did it anyway. Colin and I barely said a word all day, Needy however talked a lot. She talked of her breakup with Chip, the plan to kill Jennifer, and her ugly dress she was going to wear for the dance.
The whole day felt dim, almost like a dream, my brain felt fuzzy. Right until we were standing outside the school about to go to the dance.

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