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The HITC Festival was so fun! I had the best night of my life even though I didn't have a partner with me. Many have tried to dance and jive but didn't last long.

Thanks to Rosie who ensures that I am in a safe zone although she's having baby time with her girlfriend.

It's not that hard though since I can easily get lost in the music. I embody the rhythm and let it drive my mind and senses.

I am not sure but I may have caught Jennie staring at me and giving some people who tried to hang out with me a grave look.

I may have been mistaken since I don't have a 20/20 vision. The bright light from the sun made my eyes hurt, and I couldn't see much during the night with the darkness and lights dancing around.

"What's up? What's up?"

I was stopped from reminiscing about the festival when Jisoo came in. We were having lunch as usual here in the cafeteria.

"Did you all hear the news?"

She asks right after she kisses Rosie and settles down in her seat.

"What? What?"

Seulgi asks eagerly while still munching her food.

"We can't answer that if you don't tell us what it is."

Momo says and spoons her food, which I can tell is also keen to know the latest gossip.

While Nayeon chews her food as she stares intently at Jisoo waiting for her to spill the tea.

These three are the top gossipers in the group.

"Rebels has a new member."

Jisoo spills, getting a commotion from the two members.

"Who the fuck?" Momo nags.

"How come we didn't know?" Seulgi asks curiously.

"You are just weak gossipers."

Jisoo lets out an evil laugh, earning a death glare from the two.

"Just spill it whole, Jisoo."

Nayeon huffs as she finishes her food. Rosie doesn't care about the gossip when there is food in front of her, while Jennie is eating quietly.

"Okay! Okay! It's Kai from the Archi department. CL personally recruited him. I think it is because of his currently trending dance video at the birthday party."

Now, that catches my full attention. If CL personally recruited him without an audition, it means that he's amazing. It is good news though since he will be dancing with us.

Momo huffs and says, "No one's better than me."

"Lisa is better tho."

Jennie raises her brow and intervenes nonchalantly. She continues eating like she doesn't make my heart skip a beat as well as make our table quiet.

Everybody looks at her, including me. But she doesn't care.

Jisoo, Nayeon, Momo, and Seulgi holler after a while, earning attention from the other tables. They are also teasing me like they always do.

"I'll be damned if I argue with that," Momo states while staring at me and playing with her brows at the same time.

The teasing goes on while Jennie seems to be in her little world. As usual. She's unbothered, which I envy. I am always affected by what other people say.

Jisoo plays the video on her phone, gathering the gang except me and Jennie to watch it with her. I look at her to check the reason why she's not in the commotion only to catch her looking at me.

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