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"Wake up, asshole!"

Jennie said slapping my face. Can she be respectful on people? She can wake me up without hurting me but I forgot that she's my queen bitch. So I opened my eyes only to see her narrowed eyes at me.


I greeted in question with my left eye closed since I'm still sleepy and this beautiful bitch right here disturbed my good sleep.

"What the fuck did you do to me?"

She asked in an accusing tone with minimal volume. Maybe she doesn't want everyone or anybody to know what she did last night.


I was about to answer when she cut me off.

"How dare you take advantage of me?!"

I swear if eyes could kill, I am dead now. I gulped and answered in question, "W-what?"

I sat up blinking wanting to wake up while Jennie is sitting beside me looking at me like I did a crime.

"What happened last night?!"

She asked madly only for me to hear. I startled on her voice waking me up for real.

"Y-you don't remember anything?"

I asked in shock. Is she telling me that she doesn't remember what she did to me last night? Are you fucking kidding me?

"Will I ask if I do remember anything?"

She raised her eyebrow and looked at me like I'm the only stupid person she knows.


I asked still not accepting what I just heard. She groaned in frustration and stood up. Her hair is tied up in a bun making her look sexier on my clothes. Damn! I stood up too and get my ponytail to tie my hair up since this girl right here is making me feel hot.

"C-can you wear something?"

She asked stuttering. Wow! That is the first time I heard her stutter. I looked down to scan what I'm wearing. I'm wearing a sports bra and boxer. What is wrong with that? I sleep like that.

"And what the fuck is that on your neck?"

She asked pointing at my neck. I automatically caress my neck and remember what happened last night.

"D-did I.. Did I do that?"

She asked in horror. I just nod and let that fact sink in to her. If she accuses me of doing this to myself, I might snap because that is very impossible to do.

"Are you fucking sure? Maybe that Mina girl put that on you and you're just making me responsible since I didn't remember what happened last night."

That's it! She can say anything bad but she can't accuse me of lying. God! I'm hella pissed.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Jennie? I controlled myself not to take advantage because I respect you and this is what I get? I'm not a fucking liar! What would I gain if I lie?"

I pressed. She hissed, "Me."

Ugh! I'm mad. So mad! I may like her but I'm not that desperate to get her. So, I pushed her until her back landed on the wall. I pressed my hand on both sides not wanting her to escape. I level myself to her height and gaze at her cat-like eyes. I saw her gulped and I can feel my heavy breathing. I'm hella sure anger is clearly shown in my face.

"I'm not like that, Kim! I know my place and maybe it's way better for you not to remember anything about last night knowing your reputation."

I said seriously and stood up straight and pulled my hand on the wall letting it fall on its original place. One last look, I took a shirt and short to wear and walked straight to the door. I grab the doorknob but stopped to say, "You are beautiful, Kim. So beautiful but your attitude is trash."

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