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    The interview of "Crystal Bracelet of the End Times" failed

the interview . On December 20, 2012, it rained heavily for several days. The winter of 2012 was much colder than previous years


There are almost few people walking on it. Although the rumors of the end of the world are rampant and raging on the Internet, in real life, except for the occasional thoughts that flash in everyone's minds, they don't affect people's lives too much. Most people still think that this is just nonsense. If you have the time to gossip like this, it is better to make more money and benefit.

However, there are also people who would rather believe it than believe it, and go to the supermarket early to carry a lot of food, bottled water and so on. After all, it is safe to be prepared. Even if there is no end of the world, it is not a big problem to keep the food and drinking water at home, but buy more than usual. The country's stability maintenance measures have also been done very well. Not long ago, there was a panic buying trend, but under the guarantee of the strong supply of national material reserves, no large-scale panic buying incidents occurred. Therefore, people's hearts gradually settled down. Regarding the statement that December 21, 2012 is the end of the world, most people still hold the same view as the statement that the end of the world was in 1999, thinking that it is just nonsense.

Shen Ganlan pushed the door open with an umbrella and came in from the outside with a sullen face. Zhou Shuhui, the foreman of the Taohuadu private kitchen restaurant, saw her young lady's expression of not getting close to strangers, and already guessed that the result of this little girl's interview today was not very good.

Taohuadu is a private restaurant opened by Shen Ganlan's parents. It has a very good reputation in the local area. If you don't make an appointment in advance, you can hardly get a seat during the meal time. Shen Ganlan is the only daughter of her parents. She just graduated from university this year. Although the family conditions are good, she does not lack a salary. Shen's father and Shen's mother also hope that their daughter can inherit the family business and continue this Taohuatan restaurant. As the business continues, Shen Ganlan has no talent for cooking, and what she hates most in her life is the smell of oily smoke in the kitchen. When she was in college, she also majored in journalism and communication. Now that she has graduated from college, she naturally refuses to stay in Taohuadu to help. I went to apply for the city's TV station, but seeing her dejected look at the moment, I knew that the result was not satisfactory.

"Sister Zhou, is there anything I can help with?" Shen Ganlan sighed and asked Zhou Shuhui. She was full of confidence that today's interview was inevitable, and she had prepared for this interview for many days, but who knows if it was because she cared too much, her mind went blank as soon as she entered the TV station's interview room, and she couldn't think of anything. Can not remember. As a result, the simplest self-introduction was stuttering. Later, I faltered and thought for a long time before answering the few questions asked by the interviewer.

Ah, headache, headache, embarrassment, embarrassment

Shen Kalan shook his head vigorously, trying to dispel the haze in his head. Although she is the only child in the family and hates the smell of oily smoke in the kitchen, she is not a daughter who does not stick to the sun, and she doesn't even know what the eccentricity is. Every time Shen Ganlan is unhappy, she just needs to concentrate on it Just do the cleaning job for a while and you will be relieved. So, after she came out of the TV station, she went straight to Taohuadu, who was the most short-staffed, to help.

Zhou Shuhui has worked in the Shen family for many years, so she naturally knows Shen Ganlan's weird temper, so she said to her with a smile: "Christmas is coming, go and wipe the floor-to-ceiling glass, and then you can hang the colored strips when it is clean. "

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