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Chapter Seventy-Six: Lovers

Luo Hong glanced at them, thinking that these two would be a good match, one with a fire-type ability and the other with a water-type ability, both of them are similar in strength and status. Even if Sun Zongwu found such a girlfriend, he might not be able to go out and fool around in the future. Like myself, surrounded by women, how many ordinary girls with one eye are willing to throw themselves into their arms, but these women are all interested in their status as supernatural beings. In ancient times, it was okay to be a concubine or something, but they couldn't do it big wife.

But let him also find a female supernatural being, that Yin Hua in the team is absolutely unacceptable, and whoever dares to take such a Holy Mother will not be killed by her in the next life. Thinking about it again, if I really look for a female supernatural being, I don't need to rely on him if I have the ability, so I don't want to give up the whole forest for a single tree. In this case, in the last days, I don't know if there will be a tomorrow. I favor this one today and pity that one tomorrow. It seems that so many women come to curry favor with me.

Thinking about it this way, Sun Zongwu's vigilant eyes were slightly sympathetic. They are all men. Seeing that a compatriot gave up the benefits of being able to play around and be tied up by a woman after the apocalypse, I couldn't help but relax my vigilance towards Sun Zongwu. After all, that guy has flesh and blood, and he is not a heartless guy. . If a person has a fetter, then he has a weakness, and if he really becomes hostile in the future, he will be somewhat sure.

Over there, Luo Hong looked at Sun Zongwu in this way, and Zhou Shuhui stood in the dark in the corner to watch the intimate interaction between Shen Ganlan and Sun Zongwu, and she became more thoughtful.

It turned out that Lan Lan also fell in love with a man, but I don't know if he is a supernatural being. If the supernatural being has someone to rely on in the future, if he is just an ordinary person, Zhou Shuhui thought that it would be better to follow her to seek refuge with Brother He in the future. Guaranteed.

Seeing Zhou Shuhui looking at her in deep thought, Shen Ganlan didn't know what she was thinking, so she walked over with a smile, and put a heavy slap on her shoulder: "Sister Zhou, what are you thinking so engrossed in?" Zhou Shuhui was taken aback

. After a jump, he came to his senses and smiled at Shen Ganlan: "You girl"

Shen Ganlan glanced at the barbecue stall that had been cleared away, and remembered how Zhou Shuhui was gobbling it up just now and asked, "Are you full? If not enough, I will take you to eat later." Zhou Shuhui's eyes lit up when she heard this, but she could

n't Knowing what he thought of, his expression darkened again, he just smiled and said, "Will it be enough? If I eat any more, I will become a big fat pig. Thank you very much, this is the best meal I have eaten in more than two months." Pause."

Shen Ganlan saw her changing expression, but she couldn't ask carefully, so she pretended not to see it after thinking about it, so she casually asked an unimportant question: "Could it be that your team can't catch mutant animals?"

Zhou Shuhui was in pain Shaking his head emphatically, "Brother He's team was in Shenzhou City before. At first, they could survive on the food in the supermarket. Later, when the supermarket warehouses ran out, Brother He led the team to search around, but after a long time, the nearby We searched all the places where we could eat, and we couldn't find anything to eat anymore. There are so many people who are attached to Brother He, if we hadn't met you, we... we... would have almost eaten human flesh there." Shen

Ganlan Hearing this, she was taken aback. Although she had already thought that ordinary people's current situation was not good, she didn't expect it to be so bad. Didn't she hear wrong about cannibalism?

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