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Chapter 121 Seduction of Zombies

"Ah~~" There was another scream, and this time the one who died was the superhuman from the Wild Wolf team not far away, but the hearts of everyone hadn't let go. There were another series of screams from the side, and the first-level supernatural beings fell to the ground and died in front of the second-level zombies.

Yang Li's face was ashen, and he said to Lei Peng and Shen Ganlan: "This is not good, everyone will die if this goes on." Shen Ganlan nodded, what he meant tomorrow. If everyone is dead, it is impossible for the three surviving second-order supernatural beings to fight their way out of five second-order zombies and countless zombie groups, but in this way...

Lei Peng shouted to everyone: "Everyone back off, let us deal with those second-order zombies, you find a place to hide." He thought for a while and said to Yang Li and Shen Ganlan, "I'll deal with that power-type zombie, you two Is there any problem with that speed zombie?"

Shen Ganlan nodded: "Okay." Just now she and Lei Peng teamed up to deal with the first-order ordinary zombies, which was as simple as cutting cucumbers, but now they are facing the second-level zombies with equal strength. It's not easy for the three of them to become a super-zombie. Not to mention that the two speed-type second-order zombies move too fast, and there is no time to aim at them. Even if they aim at them, if they still want to rely on the lightning strikes passed by only water, they will not be able to knock them down. The defensive power of the second-order zombies has also been greatly improved, which is far beyond what ordinary zombies can match. The only plan for now is that Shen Ganlan doesn't know if her second-level water ability can restrain the second-level speed zombies, but it is impossible to let the first-level ability go to death. Right now, she has to go up and encourage her to try . Maybe it can be trapped for a while, and don't let it hurt the lives of the first-level supernatural beings. There may be a glimmer of hope when Yang Li and Lei Peng free their hands to help him.

She and Yang Li joined forces to meet them, but helplessly, the two second-order speed zombies moved too fast. Before Shen Ganlan could swing the water blade, the second-order zombie had already run away. There was another scream, and a gold-type superhuman was bitten to the ground and died.

Yang Li is a wind-type supernatural being. Using the wind-type supernatural ability to increase his speed, he could barely catch up with that speed-type supernatural being. Shen Ganlan saw that Yang Li's moving speed was about to catch up with another second-order zombie. With a wave of the wind blade, just when Shen Ganlan thought that Yang Li was about to hit the target, the ordinary zombies who had been pounced towards the first-level supernatural user suddenly rushed up and blocked Yang Li's wind blade with their own bodies. In this way, the second-order zombie escaped from Yang Li's range, and scratched a supernatural being hiding behind a rock by the way.

Yang Li's complexion darkened, he looked back at Shen Ganlan and frowned and said: "This is not possible. There is clearly a controller in the zombie group who is in control of the overall situation. These ordinary zombies are densely packed, and they cannot be killed. They listened to the controller's order , may jump out to block our attack at any time."

Shen Ganlan turned her head and saw Lei Peng who had already met the power-type supernatural being, and the situation there was not satisfactory. Although Lei Peng's lightning-type supernatural ability is powerful in attack, it is infinitely powerful against the giant zombies like a hill. Shen Ganlan took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and said, "I have a way to kill those two controllers, but during the time I'm away, I can only leave this place to you and Lei Peng." After hearing the words, Yang Li and Lei

Peng All were taken aback, Yang Li was alright, Lei Peng, who was in crisis with the power-type supernatural being, was almost distracted by Shen Ganlan's words, and was almost hit by the big stick wielded by the power-type zombie, So scared that he didn't dare to turn his head back, he started to meet the enemy seriously. He had seen the power of Shen Ganlan before, and he was even more impressed by Shen Ganlan's idea of ​​using water to conduct electricity to kill a group of zombies just now. He knew that this girl's water ability might not be that powerful, but she couldn't stand her brains and could move Brain, so there is no other way at the moment, but to let her go. Lei Peng didn't dare to turn his head, but shouted to the two people behind him: "I believe in Shen Ganlan, I will hold on here, you go!" Yang

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