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Chapter 211: Taicang City Breaks

When Shen Ganlan arrived at the No. 1 gate of the Taicang base, she saw her parents, grandpa, and uncle standing in the most conspicuous place, especially her parents were anxiously waiting for her.

"Lanlan." Mom called out to her, and took the lead in rushing over to hug Shen Ganlan.

"Mom, what's the matter?" she asked suspiciously.

Dad's deep voice sounded from behind Mom: "The Taicang base is about to lose its hold, and the military department is already organizing the evacuation of the family members of those government officials." He paused, "Your Lingnan base hasn't contacted you yet. Is it? It is estimated that the rescue teams sent by various bases should have withdrawn from the front line by now, and went to the warehouse to fight for food reserves." He smiled slightly mockingly and bitterly, "After a long time, this event in the ability competition finally It still became a joke."

Shen Ganlan pointed to her grandpa and uncle and asked, "Then grandpa and uncle..."

Shen's father and Shen's mother turned their heads together, looking at the old man with gray hair but still in good spirits.

Shen Ganlan raised her head to meet her grandpa's loving eyes, and only heard her grandpa say: "Lanlan, come here."

Shen Ganlan hurriedly stepped forward in response, and didn't stop until she was in front of her grandpa. "Good boy, I didn't expect you to be the most outstanding third generation of our Shen family .

" He paused, "I heard that Yuyi and the daughter-in-law's crystal bracelets are now in your hands?"

He glanced at the uncle, but unexpectedly he was noticed by the uncle, he smiled lightly, and his tone was slightly lonely: "Lanlan, don't worry about me, I have heard Shen Lian talk about Yuyi and your aunt before. Ever since I promised to follow my father to continue the family tradition to cultivate immortals, I thought I had cut off the relationship and let go of everything. In addition, the crystal bracelets my father left for them, if used properly, would be a magic weapon to save their lives. The two can live well after the end of the world, especially in the past few months I have been traveling around with my father, and I am used to seeing the ugliness of the world, so I think they will be fine, at least they can live much better than ordinary people, But who knows... hey, everything is fate."

"Ever since I separated from them, I have never been able to calm down. My father also said that I am deeply rooted in love, so it is difficult to make further progress on the road. I finally got a little news from them today. Although it is not good news, it is still good. Let me let go of these worldly ties." He paused, turned his head to look at Grandpa Shen, and said solemnly, "Dad, now I finally understand what you mean by the ruthless Dao." Grandpa Shen nodded

slightly , with a faint light in his eyes: "Never mind, never mind. Originally, among my juniors, I thought you were the most intelligent, so I wanted to take you on the road of cultivating immortals after I reported to my master. But when I asked , you would like to do it yourself, but you never thought that the earth would encounter such a catastrophe. Even us cultivators have to return to the world to help mortals overcome the catastrophe." Shen Ganlan's family of three stared at the situation of grandpa and uncle with dumbstruck eyes

. Have a conversation. What about cultivating immortals, overcoming calamity, and being ruthless?

Are you sure you didn't cross from the sci-fi online games to the fantasy fairy tale section? It must be that I opened it in the wrong way

, but Shen Ganlan gradually calmed down after the initial shock, and she was willing to believe it. Even things like the end of the world have appeared, and there are three strings of crystal bracelets with such mysterious abilities in my portable space, so it is not impossible that there are real practitioners in this world.

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