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Chapter One Hundred and Eleven Crazy Practice

But after calming down, Shen Ganlan was deeply impressed by Big Brother Sun's analysis. Brother Sun is right. In fact, her seemingly useless ability without any attack power can help her do a lot of things if she uses it well. First of all, I heard from Lei Peng before that the fifth floor of the superhuman center is a place dedicated to releasing tasks for combat teams. Several tasks have been hung there for dozens of days because of the high difficulty, and no team dared to take them. Of course, even Lei Peng, who has a second-order ability, feels that the chances of winning are not high. Although the reward is generous, Lei Peng still did not pick it up after careful analysis. One of them was to move grain to a storage granary called Dongfang District outside the base city near Lingnan. However, according to the information obtained after the death of more than a dozen supernatural beings, there are about five zombies of the second rank or above near the reserve granary, and there is not even a single team in the base city that can chew on such a difficult bone.

But Shen Ganlan thought of her ability to turn into a water beach, and thought she could try it alone. Because according to Big Brother Sun's analysis just now, Shen Ganlan actually has another hole card in her body, that is, the portable space. She can drive to the Eastern District, turn into a puddle of water and slowly move in, and then find a remote place in the grain reserve warehouse. The corner changed back again, and received all the food in his portable space. After all, there are only five zombies who are capable of fighting with him. The grain storage warehouse is so big, it is impossible for him to be so unlucky that he will encounter them as soon as he transforms into a human form. Even if she does, as long as she is careful, she will immediately turn into a water shape again. As long as she doesn't fight with the five evolved zombies, her life is almost not in danger, and she is sure to win.

In this way, she won't have to turn to any faction if she takes on a mission that even the number one team in the base can't handle, and her dream of forming a combat team by herself is no longer far away. With such strength and reputation, who Dare to gossip about her

? Shen Ganlan clenched her fists tightly, staring into the distance with a dream in her heart, quietly lost in thought.

After a while, she remembered that she had invited the old man's son to deliver books to Villa No. 6. Perhaps this was a chance to test whether her newly evolved abilities were effective? There was a curved arc at the corner of Shen Kalan's mouth, and he laughed like a little fox.

At that time, I had a mind in my mind and only told him to send the book to the outside of Villa No. 6, but didn't specify which one. It is said that wealth should not be revealed, but I am soft-hearted, and I am willing to do my best to send them some food for the old gentleman's sake, but his son is not a good person at first glance. The heart of defense is indispensable, Shen Ganlan went to the guard room outside the villa in District 6 early to wait.

In front of the main gate of the villa in District No. 6, there was a huge piece of granite engraved with the words "Yiyun Mansion", which was probably the name of the villa community before the end of the world. Unfortunately, such a poetic name met a tragic reality. Now after being taken over by the government, the names have been changed, and all the numbers are called according to the cold numbers. Except for the aborigines in Lingnan Base City who probably still remember that it used to be a community called Yiyun Mansion, everyone uniformly called it Villa No. 6.

Now this villa area is not well located, and the rent is relatively higher than that of nearby communities, so there are not many people living in it. Originally, the guard's room in this community was also vacant. Shen Ganlan opened the door and went in. The inside was empty, except for the uncleaned blood in the corner, everything else was no different from the guard's room in the general community. She closed the doors of the guard room and drew the curtains to ensure that no one nearby noticed her, then she dug out a few kilograms of corn, sweet potatoes and other crops from the portable space and threw them on the ground.

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