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set up

Chapter 141: The Strongest Team
But no matter what, Lei Peng's great gift can be waited for, but as the sky gradually darkened, Shen Ganlan couldn't help feeling anxious when she saw that Zhen Hanzi hadn't heard anything yet. She quickly used the space map that emerged in her mind to find Zhen Hanzi's location, but she couldn't laugh anymore... As soon

as she entered Zhen Hanzi's brainwaves, Zhen Hanzi's mournful voice immediately came from inside: "Ganlan, why did you come here?" Looking for me?" Then Shen Ganlan quickly checked his current address, and he was

angry outside the back door of the villa, this guy who lifted the table

did it on purpose,

"You can walk in by yourself when you find the door." Shen Ganlan The cold reply cut off the connection of brain consciousness. It's so hateful, it's useless for me to worry about him so much, who knows that he hides in the back door and waits for me to wipe my face to find him, this man is really hateful. For the first time, Shen Ganlan felt a powerless sense of frustration in her heart. Then she was forced to a dead end by her sister Shen Yuyi before, thinking that she was poisoned, and she had never been so discouraged.

"Ganlan, is it convenient for us to talk?"

Shen Ganlan raised her head and saw Lei Peng walking over at some point, leaning on the back of her chair and talking to herself. She quickly turned to Lei Peng with a smiling face, and left that annoying Zhen Hanzi behind.

"It's convenient, what's the matter?"

"I just want to ask what

is your next plan?" "Next step?" After the failure, it seems that life has been muddled. If Lei Peng hadn't invited him to participate in the rescue of the grain storage warehouse in the Eastern District, he probably wouldn't have been involved in those things later, although the result now is good. , but the process is really too thrilling. But when it comes to the next step, Shen Ganlan really hasn't thought about it yet. So she shook her head blankly: "I don't have any plans yet, why does Brother Lei have any good suggestions?"

Lei Peng smiled: "What do you think about setting up your own team?"

"My own team?" Shen Ganlan was taken aback when she heard the words, she immediately reacted, and looked at Sun Zongwu first, who knew that Sun Zongwu smiled at her as if he had been prepared for a long time.

"Actually, when Sun Zongwu and I came back from the operation together in the afternoon, the two of us talked for a long time on the road. After what happened to Lu Renjia, to be honest, I felt very sad. I didn't know people well, and I made so many people follow me." All my brothers who have been around for so long have been killed by him. Except for Lu Dayou, who has high defense and Yang Liu who has just joined in, only the three of us survived in the Thunderclap team. You came to my subconscious to find me this morning At that time, in fact, I kept having nightmares, dreaming that those partners who had left me were dying in front of me over and over again, but I was caught by Lu Renjia and Mo Dong, and there was no way to help them. It wasn't until you suddenly appeared that I realized that I was having a nightmare again. So after I personally killed those traitors in the afternoon, I suddenly realized that my mentality may no longer be suitable for leading a team. "

Brother Lei" Shen Ganlan couldn't help but exclaimed when she heard this. She was about to persuade her, but when she saw Lei Peng waving his hand at her, his face was exhausted, and she just sighed softly, "I This person understands very well in his heart, maybe you want to tell me that it was not my fault that Lu Renjia and those people rebelled, so I don't have to feel guilty. Your elder brother Sun also persuaded me about these words. Before you came back, I had a relationship with Lu Day I also discussed it, but I can't pass the test of my conscience. Xiao Shen, after thinking about it, I'm going to tell you the truth. Lu Dayou has this ability, although he lost in the last test with you It's ugly, but his ability can definitely help you in combat. As for Yang Liu, let alone, she actually came to Lingnan Base with you before, her ability is yours. I know in my heart..."

Shen Ganlan fell silent, she gradually understood something from Brother Lei's tone, and she just heard Lei Peng continue to say in a calm voice: "That's why I dragged her to Team Thunder, I'm not as good as you You should understand that, firstly, it's because of her ability, and secondly, it's because of you. At that time, I could see that you wanted to stand on your own, so blame me for being selfish. No matter how you say it, I will think more about joining our Thunderclap team, after all, Yang Li and Mo Dong offered such high conditions at the time, but the world is impermanent, who knows..."

He showed a wry smile at Shen Ganlan: "So I thought about it for a long time, and discussed it with Sun Zongwu, and decided that I would like to ask you in the end. I know that you have the intention to form a team. Now the supernatural beings in the base, especially Most of the excellent superpowers in the team are dead, and the base urgently needs a strong team to stabilize people's hearts. And you are the most qualified now. Yin Hua heard that she has been promoted to the second level, and Sun Zongwu is also a powerful team. , I want Lu Dayou and Yang Liu to come and help you too. Once your team is established, it will be the most powerful team in Lingnan base. As for my own Thunder team, I have no intention of continuing. The team is scattered It's gone, and my heart is gone, so let's let it disband like this. Lu Dayou and Yang Liu are both powerful, and if they join your team, they will already be famous inside and outside the base." Shen Ganlan

sipped Pursing her lips, she couldn't help but say: "Brother Lei, you don't have to be like this." Peng, after being silent for a long time, changed his mind, and then asked cautiously, "Brother Lei, you have arranged the affairs of the Thunder team, what do you plan to do next?" Lei Peng smiled, raised his palm in

the Shen Ganlan patted lightly on the shoulder a few times: "I have struggled all my life, and even after the end of the world, I dare not let go of a single string. It has been stretched for too long, so I just take advantage of this period of time to take a good rest. As for the days to come, In fact, it's the same as what you said before, I haven't thought about it yet, let's talk about it after I have a rest for a while and figure out what I want."

He suddenly blinked at Shen Ganlan, and said with a smile: "Just tell me, you answer Don't you agree? At least give me a good word, if you can't do this, I'll go to another family to beg, and I can't delay Lu Dayou and Yang Liu who follow me and have nothing to eat, right?" Shen Ganlan was amused by his words

. It's just that setting up a team is not a trivial matter. Although she has long had the intention to make her own decisions and not be restrained by others, if the candidate in her mind is not willing to join, then she doesn't want to force others, and don't do to others what you don't want . So Shen Ganlan thought about it seriously: "I don't know what Lu Dayou and Yang Liu mean. Yang Liu's side is actually fine, but I had a dispute with Lu Dayou before, I'm afraid..."

Unexpectedly Lei Peng immediately opened his throat and shouted loudly: "Dayou, come here!"

Shen Ganlan stared dumbfoundedly at Lu Dayou, who was still arrogant before, when he heard Lei Peng calling him, he immediately got off his chair and ran over, and said to Lei Peng, "Brother, did you call me? "

Lei Peng told Lu Dayou what he meant, but Lu Dayou's reaction was bigger than his own. He tilted his head, raised his face and squinted at Shen Ganlan and said: "Brother, you just called me angry." Come and go in the rain, I, Lu Dayou, never say no, but you asked me to abandon you and this woman, that is absolutely impossible. I disagree. I, Lu Dayou, only recognize you as the boss. From now on You are the only boss."

Lei Peng's face immediately became extremely ugly when he heard the words, and he yelled at Lu Dayou: "You kid..."

But before he finished speaking, Lu Dayou suddenly added: " Unless, big brother, you and I join Miss Shen's team."

When Lu Dayou said this, not only Lei Peng was stunned, but Shen Ganlan, who was listening on the side, also froze. I only heard Lu Dayou continue to say: "Brother, you just think that you are ignorant and killed Lao Shi and the others, so you don't have the face to be our captain anymore. But you can't give up on yourself, you want me and Xiao Yang to join Miss Shen No problem, you can come too. The three major issues of our Thunder team start from the young players. Anyway, there are many talents in Ms. Shen's team, so it's not wrong to follow her to be an ordinary player, but as long as one , you must not leave me alone to go on a leisurely journey. On the way to the base before, my life was saved by you, Brother Lei. Later, we formed the Thunder team and went through life and death together. You can count how many times you saved me , I won't leave you anyway. Either join Miss Shen's team together, or I'll stay by your side for the rest of my life."

After Lu Dayou finished his passionate speech, Shen Ganlan immediately came to his senses, pulled Lei Peng and said, "Brother Lei, what Lu Dayou said makes sense. Even if you want to adjust your mood, you can join me My team, anyway, the army and the government didn't promise us to pay us the thousands of crystal nuclei that haven't been paid yet. When you get it, even if you are not in the mood to go on a mission, you can stay and rest in our villa. By the way, practice. Anyway, with the crystal nucleus in hand, he won't starve to death. You see, Lu Dayou is reluctant to let you go. Brother Lei, even if I want to form a team, there are still many things I don't understand. You are the old captain, even if you don't take the role Our captain here, but remind me, can you give me some pointers?"

The other people who were drinking at the side heard the noise from their side and gathered around, especially after knowing Lei Peng's intentions, they all joined together After repeated persuasion, except for Yang Liu who was still sitting at the side holding a wine glass in silence, even Fang Li, who never liked to talk to strangers, followed everyone's advice.

In the end, Lei Peng agreed to let go, but the condition was that he would never serve as the captain of the new team or any position with management functions such as vice-captain. Although Shen Ganlan felt helpless, she was very happy to have such an experienced and outstanding member join her team.

After the Lingnan base, the team she originally wanted to form was finally no longer a tower in the water, but an attic in a dream. Everyone confirmed the list. Shen Ganlan's team is taking the elite route. Although there are not many people, everyone is a master, and she strongly agrees with Lei Peng's idea before, rather than lacking in excess. She would rather have a vacant position in the team, and never add places at will. Those who can enter her team must pass through many tests, and everyone believes that they can be trusted and entrusted. Even if the ability is not outstanding, the character must be good. With the lessons of Lu Renjia and Zhang Haiyang, Shen Ganlan, the newly formed team, made up his mind to only accept those who know the basics.

In this way, the final list is confirmed, only: Shen Ganlan, the second-level intermediate of the water system ability user.

Lei Peng, the second-level beginner of the lightning-type ability user.

Yin Hua, the second-level beginner of wood-type supernatural powers.

Lu Dayou, a first-level advanced earth-type supernatural power user.

Sun Zongwu, a first-level advanced fire-type supernatural power user.

Yang Liu, a first-level middle-level supernatural being of the gold system.

Finally, at Shen Ganlan's strong request, Fang Li's name was added.

After Lu Dayou heard the words, he still didn't change the nature of having a hard time with Shen Ganlan before, and continued to laugh at her: "Didn't you say that your team takes the elite route, and you must be a master to join?" Shen Ganlan pulled her away and was ridiculed by Lu

Dayou Fang Li, whose face was already flushed, took a few steps towards Lu Dayou, stared into his eyes and said: "You can see clearly, Fang Li is also a master, and she is a master of culinary arts. Go find it yourself, we will do it in the team." Can you find someone who can cook as well as her? Not to mention that there is no one in our team, even in the entire Lingnan base, they are also one of the best cooks, better than you who have not been promoted to the second level, right? "

When Lu Dayou heard this, his round face immediately turned into a liver-colored color. Not being able to pass the second rank was the biggest wound in his heart. Originally, he was expected to be the most promising second-tier expert in the base, but Shen Ganlan and Yin Hua appeared one after another, instantly suppressing his arrogance. Lu Dayou silently swears upon hearing the words that he will immediately devote himself to cultivation as soon as he returns to his room. Anyway, he will not be a human being unless he reaches the second level. Finally,

Shen Ganlan's team list is confirmed, and there are seven people in total: Shen Ganlan , Lei Peng, Yin Hua, Lu Dayou, Sun Zongwu, Yang Liu and Fang Li. Among them, Shen Ganlan became the captain of the new team with five votes, two of which were not cast for her, one was for Sun Zongwu herself, and the other was Lu Dayouming who knew that Lei Peng could not be the captain because of nausea The disgusting Shen Ganlan voted for Fang Li in a daze.

Then came the vice-captain, and Shen Ganlan recommended Lei Peng. But Lei Peng resolutely refused to do it. He said bluntly that if everyone continued to persuade him, he would rather quit the team, so Shen Ganlan had to ask Sun Zongwu for help. In the end, Sun Zongwu had no choice but to take office when six votes were passed. Of course, the votes that did not vote for Sun Zongwu fell It wasn't that Lu Dayou didn't vote in order to continue to resist anyone, but Sun Zongwu himself abstained, but the minority obeyed the majority, and finally it was decided, the captain Shen Ganlan and the deputy captain Sun Zongwu.

According to Yang Liu's introduction to Lu Dayou later, in fact, this person is just a bit hard-mouthed, but his heart is not bad. She gradually revealed a little bit of her own words. In fact, after Lu Renjia led the people to rebel, she had a big mistake and almost died. Thanks to Lu Dayou's desperate rescue, if it weren't for him, he might have survived I can't come down. Shen Ganlan still didn't ask what happened, but after a few observations, Lu Dayouwei was indeed as Yang Liu said, just poisoning people with his mouth, but he didn't have any real vicious means, so he treated him as well. Gradually feel relieved. Originally, among the seven members of my team, the one who was the least familiar with and had the most conflicts was Lu Dayue, but later Shen Ganlan knew that he was a good talker, so she stopped paying attention to him. Bickering from time to time is actually quite interesting after the boring apocalypse.

But now that the personnel were decided, Shen Ganlan's team began to worry about naming their team again.

First of all, Lu Dayou jumped out and expressed his wish to continue to use the "Thunder Team" but was slapped away by Lei Peng. Facing Lu Dayou's unreasonable troubles, Lei Peng brought out his trump card and said that if he continued to call the Thunder Team, he would quit immediately. So scared that Lu Dayou almost obediently sat aside for the second half, not daring to talk too much.

Facing the crowd's confusion about naming, the most experienced Lei Peng later gave suggestions to the names of several teams with more personality in the base, such as the team "Fire Rose", which is composed of all female supernatural beings. , In the past, Mo Dong controlled the second-ranked, large-numbered team "Wild Wolf Team", what else is called "the strongest team", "Team Dominating the World", etc., but this kind of overly aggressive team is not strong. In the end, they will be maliciously suppressed and ridiculed.

Yin Hua thought about it later and suggested that it should be called "Love Team", but in the end, Lu Dayou complained: "I don't know, I thought the Hope Project before the end of the world was the Red Cross."

Yang Liu thought for a while . "Shouldn't it be called Shinhwa Team?"

Shen Ganlan shook her head: "Isn't this too high-profile?" And it always reminds people of a band group in country H. It's weird. I can't sing with five notes, so I don't want to mix it up. Are you together?

In the end, she was so anxious that even Fang Li dragged her out to ask her to think of a name. Fang Li watched the crowd look left and right in embarrassment, and finally said in a voice softer than a mosquito: "Team Rice?" Okay, Shen Kalan decided that it would not be difficult for her. The child looked like a fool for cooking.

Lei Peng suggested: "Why don't you learn from my previous team and come up with each word in Shen Ganlan's name?"

Lu Dayou rolled his eyes: "What, the Blue Sky and White Cloud team is still willing to bow down to the team, it can't be Saving money for the team, right?" As soon as he finished speaking, Lei Peng wanted to beat him again.

Sun Zongwu hurriedly stopped Lei Peng and persuaded him: "Your surname is good. Lei Peng and Lei Ting are very imposing. It is quite difficult to form words for Shen Ganlan." Shen Ganlan fell to the side: "

This It won't work, that won't work, what should it be called?" Before she finished speaking, she heard a knock on the front door.

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