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Chapter Ninety-Six: The Disappearing Crystal Bracelet

"If there is still room for discussion about the number one master of supernatural beings in the base, then no one will deny that the number one beauty in Lingnan base is Shen Yuyi. Ms. Shen is really beautiful. Not only is she beautiful, but she is also very talented. He is also smart and has a good personality, which is different from the spoiled high-ranking ladies in the base. Even if it was the international superstar Zhuang Weiwei before, standing next to Ms. Shen is a world of difference! Many young talents in the base were chasing her, but Miss Shen chose Colonel Yang in the end. However, there are rumors that Young Master Mo still refuses to give up, even though Miss Shen and Colonel Yang just held an engagement ceremony not long ago, Mo Shao is still showing his affection to Miss Shen frequently. It can be said that Miss Shen is the goddess of all the men in our Lingnan base."

Shen Ganlan fell silent when she heard that. Could this Shen Yuyi really be her cousin? Although the cousin Shen Yuyi in my memory has always been much better than myself, she is not so beautiful. She can become the dream lover of all men in the entire base. The relationship between cousin Shen Yuyi and her is actually not too close. The family members live in two places, except for moving around during the holidays, most of the rest of the time they communicate by phone. In Shen Ganlan's memory, no matter what she does, she is a supporting role for this sister.

Shen Yuyi is more beautiful than her, and she got better grades than her in school, so she listened to the teacher. All the way from the captain of the elementary school to the chairman of the student union of the university, the scholarship has been awarded every year. After graduating from university, she went directly to graduate school and entered the biology department of a prestigious university. After she graduated, she followed her mentor and entered a government scientific research institution for an internship. Before the end of the world, my sister completed the internship. I heard from my aunt that she entered a foreign-funded biopharmaceutical company. The company engages in research and development, and the annual salary is already above six figures. As for herself, Shen Ganlan looked back at her first half. Well, I started my elementary school career with mediocre grades. I didn't work as a class leader and didn't get a scholarship. The biggest official I ever worked was when the teacher asked me to control the switches in the classroom. The rest of the time I played the role Fang Li was playing in the team.

But fortunately, there are enlightened parents, although sometimes they will complain about Lanlan, why are you not as obedient as your cousin, etc., but most of the time they just hope that they are safe and healthy Enough. In her impression, her elder sister Shen Yuyi was always outstanding, but she was so outstanding that all men would fall in love with her. Shen Ganlan hesitated for a moment, and suddenly she thought of a possibility.

My sister's string of crystal bracelets

and her own white crystals brought her a portable space, and her sister's string of pink crystals gave her the ability to make everyone fall in love with her?

Thinking of this, Shen Ganlan couldn't help but shudder. Isn't this ability too spoof?

But after thinking about it, she didn't know much about crystals before. But there was a pink crystal that was popular in the class for a while. At that time, the few girls who had just opened their hearts bought pink crystals from small street shops, because the store boasted that pink crystals seemed to be about love and could bring love to the wearer. Peach Blossom Luck...

Shen Ganlan quickly touched the white crystal bracelet on her hand. Thankfully, she complained that the portable space was not easy to use at the time, but now compared with her sister's string of pink crystal bracelets that are suspected to be the main love luck, Shen Ganlan is really I am so grateful to my grandpa. What I left for myself was this string of white crystals instead of that string of pink crystals. She couldn't help shivering when she thought of the scene where she got the pink crystal bracelet and was covered in pink bubbles all over her body in the apocalypse.

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