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Chapter 171 Do you want the human brain nucleus?

Shen Ganlan closed her eyes and said nothing. Although she could only feel Zhou Shuhui's breath coming from her side, she was unwilling to pay any attention to her at this moment. He secretly contacted the members of Team Hope through telepathy, told them not to worry, that he was trying to get out of trouble, and roughly pointed out the route to this side, and told them to keep up with a distance of about 100 kilometers. According to the enlarged version of the space map that emerged in my brain, I am not far away from the army camp, but it is more than a hundred kilometers away. Fortunately, my mental strength has improved a lot before I set off. The distance within 100 kilometers can be stably connected.

Now that I have persuaded these people to take me back to Lingnan Base, what I have to do next is to find an opportunity to persuade them to let go of their hands and feet, and then repeat the old tricks, so that these people will not die. Just what should I say? Shen Ganlan thought drowsily for a long time, but still couldn't figure it out.

She was suffering from a headache when she suddenly felt that someone was slowly approaching her. Shen Ganlan was startled and immediately opened her eyes, and saw Zhou Shuhui suddenly made a silent gesture to herself, and then a light red gleam appeared on her fingertips. The laser shot at the stainless steel chains on Shen Ganlan's hands and feet.

"You are..." Shen Ganlan looked at Zhou Shuhui in front of her in amazement, and suddenly realized that her heart warmed up, and she held Zhou Shuhui's right hand with her backhand, and called softly, "Sister Zhou." Zhou Shuhui was stunned

, Her eyes turned red immediately, and she looked at Shen Ganlan's expression with more warmth. She nodded and responded softly: "Oh, Lanlan, don't you blame me this time?" Shen Ganlan nodded vigorously, pulling Zhou

Shuhui hold hands tighter.

Suddenly there was applause of "Papa Papa" behind them, Shen Ganlan and Zhou Shuhui turned their heads together, only to see that not only the Hokage sisters, but also Luan Kong, who hadn't fallen asleep before, only saw the younger sister clapping her hands and sneering Walking out of the woods, he said: "What a touching picture of sisterly love, I feel ashamed to see it."

The elder sister also sneered: "Thanks to Brother Luankong reminding me, otherwise it would be real." It's up to the two of you." She glared at Zhou Shuhui and said, "What else do you have to say now, just get caught, or you will know what will happen to you."

Zhou Shuhui's face was pale, her lips trembled but she was about to speak. Shen Ganlan at the side had already taken the opportunity to break free from the chains and got up from the ground. She moved her slightly stiff joints, touched her neck and said with a smile: "What's the end, what's the end, I want to hear about it?" My

sister glanced at her disdainfully: "Don't think that the restoration of a mere second-order water system Freedom will be able to defeat the three of us. Hmph, since it could make you dizzy at that time, this time it will be the same as Luan Kong, let's do it." Shen Ganlan saw that Luan Kong, which was hidden

in the dense forest, suddenly disappeared out of thin air again, but this time in her heart Already prepared, and Zhou Shuhui yelled at this moment: "Run away, he will teleport!"

Shen Ganlan's mind was concentrated, and she immediately made a decisive decision. among. Everyone just felt that the two big living people almost disappeared together in front of their eyes. It wasn't until this time that everyone knew that Shen Ganlan could also be invisible, but they didn't know what the principle of her invisibility was, whether it was derived from the supernatural power of the chaotic space or something else.

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